
  • Finance Minister Keeps the Lid Screwed Down on Public Information - Green Party Leader Headed to Court

    Posted by · March 11, 2014 12:00 PM

    11 MARCH 2014

    Green Party leader David Coon is off to court in his quest to throw open the windows on the work of the Alward government. Coon filed a request on the Right to Information Act to Finance Minister Blaine Higgs on February 13, 2013 for copies of the contracts with the consultants his Department had commissioned to examine the province's regime for shale gas royalties, as well as for copies of the consultants' reports. The Finance Minister refused, so the Green Party leader filed a complaint with the Access to Information Commissioner.

    After a 10 month investigation the Access to Information Commissioner, Anne Bertrand submitted a 15 page report to Coon and Higgs on February 7, 2014. In her report, Madame Bertrand recommended that the Minister release the four consultants' contracts to Coon. In a letter to the Green Party leader dated February 24, Finance Minister Blaine Higgs informed Coon that he does not accept Commissioner Bertrand's recommendation.


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  • The Nomination Meeting for Kent North has been Postponed

    Posted by · March 05, 2014 12:00 PM

    05 MARCH 2014

    Note: The Kent North Nomination Meeting Has Been Postponed

    St. Charles Local Service District Chairman Allan Marsh today announced that he will seek the Green Party nomination for the Constituency of Kent North in the September 22 provincial election. Marsh, a successful businessman and prominent anti-shale activist in Kent County, says he is seeking election because there is an “urgent need to give priority to developing clean, sustainable energy sources instead of shale gas, end special tax breaks for high income earners, and start managing forests in the interests of all New Brunswickers.”


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  • New Green Party Candidate for Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins Riding

    Posted by · February 25, 2014 12:00 PM

    25 FEBRUARY 2014

    Fredericton, N.B.- Stephanie Coburn was selected as the Green Party’s candidate for the Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins riding on Feb. 19, 2014. Green Party Leader David Coon was the special guest.

    "I was never really interested in politics until I realized that partisanship and power had overtaken vision and good decision-making. The Green Party is the only party that realizes we must live within the constraints of the natural environment, and that we can’t continue to pollute and consume without putting all living beings at risk," said Coburn.


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  • Green Party Leader Concerned New Forest Plan Will Sacrifice What Matters Most

    Posted by · February 12, 2014 12:00 PM

    12 FEBRUARY 2014

    Green Party leader David Coon is concerned that Premier David Alward's new forest plan will sacrifice water, wildlife and rural communities on the altar of money and power.   "There is no way more wood can be clearcut from Crown land without running roughshod over the values and aspirations New Brunswickers hold dear," said Coon. "The Green Party wants to create the conditions to build an innovative and diverse forest industry that suits our forest and sustains our rural communities, but I fear the Alward plan will make that impossible," said Coon.

    The Green Party leader was commenting on the imminent release of a new forest plan for Crown lands. The Alward government had released a new forest plan two years ago, but the Premier quietly shelved it in the face of opposition from the large forest companies. Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup, who had consulted widely on the plan, was shuffled off to the Department of Public Safety.


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  • Madeleine Berrevoets seeks Green Party Nomination in Fredericton North

    Posted by · February 10, 2014 12:00 PM

    10 FEBRUARY 2014

    Madeleine Berrevoets has announced that she will seek the Green Party nomination in the riding of Fredericton North. She is the coordinator of the St. Mary's Community garden and works as an automotive technician's apprentice.

    Ms. Berrevoets lives in Devon on Fredericton's northside with her daughter Audrey.


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  • Coon Teams Up with Green MP Bruce Hyer to Save Passenger Rail Service in the Maritimes 2

    Posted by · February 06, 2014 12:00 PM

    6 FEBRUARY 2014

    New Brunswick Green Party Leader David Coon will attend a rally at VIA's Moncton train station and then board the Ocean on Sunday March 2nd at 3:30 pm to join federal Green Party MP and Deputy Leader, Bruce Hyer on his whistlestop tour to save passenger rail service in the Maritimes.

    "Rail service is the future of public transit in the Maritimes, but trains need tracks to run on, and if CN abandons the track between Miramichi and Bathurst, it will be impossible to build a convenient rail transit service between our cities and towns," said New Brunswick Green Party Leader David Coon.


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  • Budget Cuts Assistance for Heating Costs and Increases Corporate Hand-Outs

    Posted by · February 04, 2014 12:00 PM

    04 FEBRUARY 2014

    Instead of giving New Brunswick families a hand-up with their heating bills by expanding grants for upgrading insulation and heating systems, Green Party Leader David Coon says this year's provincial budget is putting the money into corporate hand-outs instead.

    "The decision to cut $3 million from Efficiency New Brunswick's budget for home conservation grants, and increase Invest NB's budget for corporate hand-outs by the same amount gives us a good idea where this government's priorities lie," said Green Party Leader David Coon. "At a time when we are all facing eye-popping heating bills, the Alward government is taking money away from us that we could use to cut our heating costs, and giving it away to profitable corporations. It doesn't make any sense," said Coon.


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  • Share Your Views with Green Party Leader David Coon on the State of the Province 2014

    Posted by · January 27, 2014 12:00 PM

    27 JANUARY 2014

    Are you happy with the state of our province? While the Premier will be sharing his point of view on Thursday, Green Party leader David Coon wants to hear yours. Join us at the Alternate State of the Province 2014 happening this Thursday, January 30th, live at the Roxstone Cafe on 289 Regent Street at 7PM. Come share reflections of the past year, thoughts on where we should head, and ideas on how to get there. Everyone is welcome.

  • Community Volunteer seeks Green Party nomination for Kent South

    Posted by · December 20, 2013 12:00 PM

    20 DECEMBER 2013

    Tina Beers has announced that she will seek the Green Party nomination in the riding of South Kent.

    Ms. Beers is a proud mother, grandmother and wife of 33 years, to John, a retired Canadian Soldier. Born and raised in Moncton, she has also lived in Oromocto, Petawawa and West Germany, where for four years, she and her family experienced living in a small European rural community. It was there that she saw firsthand how Europeans fiercely strive to protect their environment and yet still manage to progress economically.

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  • Psychologist seeks Green Party Nomination in Bathurst

    Posted by · December 20, 2013 12:00 PM

    20 DECEMBER 2013

    Gerry Aubie has announced that he will seek the Green Party nomination in the riding of Bathurst East-Nepisiguit-Saint Isidore. He is a clinical psychologist and has taught at the Bathurst School of Nursing and the UNB Faculty of Nursing.

    Mr. Aubie is a 59 years old and married to Vicki who is also a clinical psychologist.  He was born and raised in Bathurst and has three grown children. He and his wife now live in East Bathurst where they operate an independent psychology clinic. He enjoys home renovation, organic gardening, woodworking, painting, and sculpturing. And he has opened his home to three rescued greyhound dogs.

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