Documents Reveal Industrial Forestry Sector a Drain on Public Finances
Posted by merredith brewer · June 25, 2014 12:00 PM
25 JUNE 2014
Documents released by the courts to Green Party leader David Coon reveal that the New Brunswick and federal governments will lose corporate tax revenue as a result of J.D. Irving's promised investments in it operations.
"This is not a question of the big forestry companies getting a free ride - we're being taken for a ride," said Green Party leader David Coon. -
Released Documents Confirm Natural Gas Giveaway
Posted by merredith brewer · June 20, 2014 12:00 PM
20 JUNE 2014
Consulting studies done for the provincial Department of Finance paint a very different picture about the value of natural gas revenues to the public purse than that claimed by the Alward government.
After eighteen months and one court appearance under the Right to Information Act, Green Party leader David Coon obtained four consulting studies on the implications of changes to the natural gas royalty system in New Brunswick. -
Megan Mitton chosen as Green Party candidate in Memramcook-Tantramar
Posted by merredith brewer · June 16, 2014 12:00 PM
16 JUNE 2014
Memramcook, NB – June 12, 2014 – Megan Mitton was chosen as the Green Party candidate for the riding of Memramcook-Tantramar at the nomination meeting on June 9, 2014. Green Party Leader David Coon was the special guest. Green Party members voted unanimously to nominate Ms. Mitton as their candidate for the upcoming provincial election.
After being nominated, Ms. Mitton addressed the community members that filled the Café at Belliveau Orchard in Pré-d’en-Haut. “It has become clear to me that New Brunswick is as a crossroads,” said Mitton. “This election is a chance for New Brunswickers to vote for something different, rather than more of the same.” -
Green Party Launches New Video:
Posted by merredith brewer · June 12, 2014 12:00 PM
New Brunswick's Crown Forests: A Priceless Trust - Betrayed
Green Party leader issued the following statement regarding the tragic events in Moncton
Posted by merredith brewer · June 06, 2014 12:00 PM
My deepest sympathies to the families and friends of the slain RCMP officers: Dave Ross, Fabrice Gevaudon, and Douglas Larche . All New Brunswickers, all Canadians, stand with you in your grief and your terrible losses.
New Climate Action Plan Vacuous - Fails to Point Toward New Economy
Posted by merredith brewer · June 02, 2014 12:00 PM
02 JUNE 2014
Not only has the Alward government shirked its moral obligation to take action on climate change, but it has failed to seize the economic opportunities that come with breaking our addiction to fossil fuels according to Green Party Leader David Coon.
"This is a vacuous plan that contains no action, but instead chooses to sustain the unsustainable," said Green Party leader David Coon."To cut emissions in the short-term, the Green Party would target our biggest carbon polluters, the Irving Oil refinery and the coal-fired power plant in Belledune, with legally binding limits on their carbon pollution using the Clean Air Act," said Coon.
Megan Mitton seeks Green Party Nomination for Memramcook-Tantramar
Posted by merredith brewer · May 30, 2014 12:00 PM
30 MAY 2014
Sackville, NB, May 30, 2014 - Megan Mitton has announced that she will seek the Green Party nomination in the Memramcook-Tantramar riding. Ms. Mitton works as an environmental educator in Sackville. She is passionate about building a green economy that to provide sustainable jobs, energy and food for resilient communities. . Ms. Mitton is committed to creating a just society and a diverse economy that supports all New Brunswickers.
Megan Mitton was born and raised in Sackville, New Brunswick where she graduated in French Immersion from Tantramar Regional High School. She furthered her educational experiences by completing an International Rotary Youth Exchange in Japan, and then earning a Bachelor of Arts, with Honours in International Development Studies and Political Science from McGill University. Ms. Mitton and her husband, Steve Geier, lived in and worked in California following graduation but decided to return to New Brunswick, to live in their hometown of Sackville.
Garth Farquhar chosen as Green Party Candidate in Carleton-Victoria
Posted by merredith brewer · May 12, 2014 12:00 PM
12 MAY 2014
Garth Farquhar has been chosen as the Green Party candidate for the riding of Carleton-Victoria. Mr. Farquhar owns and operates Tobique Log Homes, which he founded in 1984. Since 2010, he has managed a farm and woodlot that has been in his family for 138 years. Farquhar lives in Upper Kintore with his wife Jackie. They have four daughters and five grandchildren. He was born in Perth.
A graduate of Victoria Regional High School, Mr. Farquhar earned a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and a Bachelor of Business Administration from UNB.
Court Orders Minister of Finance to Release Contracts and Reports to Green Party Leader
Posted by merredith brewer · May 08, 2014 12:00 PM
08 MAY 2014
In a decision dated May 6, 2014, Madam Justice Clendening has ordered the Minister of Finance to comply with the recommendations of the Access to Information Commissioner and release the contracts and studies relating to shale gas royalties to Green Party Leader David Coon.
In February of 2013, Coon requested copies of contracts the Department of Finance had signed with consultants to examine shale gas royalties for the Province, along with copies of the consultants' reports. Finance Minister Blaine Higgs refused to release the documents, so the Green Party Leader filed a complaint with the Access to Information Commissioner. She recommended that the documents be released. Higgs refused to accept her recommendations, so the Green Party leader appealed to the court.
Green Party Leader Asks Judge to Release Royalty Contracts
Posted by merredith brewer · April 30, 2014 12:00 PM
30 APRIL 2014
Green Party leader David Coon will be asking a judge on Thursday to force the Alward government to make public the contracts it had entered into with consultants commissioned to examine shale gas royalties. Coon had filed a request under the Right to Information Act on February 13, 2013 for copies of the contracts. Finance Minister Blaine Higgs refused to release them, so the Green Party leader filed a complaint with the Access to Information Commissioner.
After a 10 month investigation the Access to Information Commissioner, Anne Bertrand recommended that the Minister release the four consultants' contracts to Coon. In a letter to the Green Party leader dated February 24, 2014 the Finance Minister informed Coon that he did not accept Commissioner Bertrand's recommendation, so Coon is appealing to the court for a final decision.