Budget Cuts Assistance for Heating Costs and Increases Corporate Hand-Outs
Posted by merredith brewer · February 04, 2014 12:00 PM
04 FEBRUARY 2014
Instead of giving New Brunswick families a hand-up with their heating bills by expanding grants for upgrading insulation and heating systems, Green Party Leader David Coon says this year's provincial budget is putting the money into corporate hand-outs instead.
"The decision to cut $3 million from Efficiency New Brunswick's budget for home conservation grants, and increase Invest NB's budget for corporate hand-outs by the same amount gives us a good idea where this government's priorities lie," said Green Party Leader David Coon. "At a time when we are all facing eye-popping heating bills, the Alward government is taking money away from us that we could use to cut our heating costs, and giving it away to profitable corporations. It doesn't make any sense," said Coon.
Share Your Views with Green Party Leader David Coon on the State of the Province 2014
Posted by merredith brewer · January 27, 2014 12:00 PM
27 JANUARY 2014
Are you happy with the state of our province? While the Premier will be sharing his point of view on Thursday, Green Party leader David Coon wants to hear yours. Join us at the Alternate State of the Province 2014 happening this Thursday, January 30th, live at the Roxstone Cafe on 289 Regent Street at 7PM. Come share reflections of the past year, thoughts on where we should head, and ideas on how to get there. Everyone is welcome.
Community Volunteer seeks Green Party nomination for Kent South
Posted by merredith brewer · December 20, 2013 12:00 PM
20 DECEMBER 2013
Tina Beers has announced that she will seek the Green Party nomination in the riding of South Kent.
Ms. Beers is a proud mother, grandmother and wife of 33 years, to John, a retired Canadian Soldier. Born and raised in Moncton, she has also lived in Oromocto, Petawawa and West Germany, where for four years, she and her family experienced living in a small European rural community. It was there that she saw firsthand how Europeans fiercely strive to protect their environment and yet still manage to progress economically.
Psychologist seeks Green Party Nomination in Bathurst
Posted by merredith brewer · December 20, 2013 12:00 PM
20 DECEMBER 2013
Gerry Aubie has announced that he will seek the Green Party nomination in the riding of Bathurst East-Nepisiguit-Saint Isidore. He is a clinical psychologist and has taught at the Bathurst School of Nursing and the UNB Faculty of Nursing.
Mr. Aubie is a 59 years old and married to Vicki who is also a clinical psychologist. He was born and raised in Bathurst and has three grown children. He and his wife now live in East Bathurst where they operate an independent psychology clinic. He enjoys home renovation, organic gardening, woodworking, painting, and sculpturing. And he has opened his home to three rescued greyhound dogs.
Subsidies Needed for Low Income Families to Ensure Universal Access to the New Brunswick Drug Plan
Posted by merredith brewer · December 11, 2013 12:00 PM
11 DECEMBER 2013
The Green Party welcomes the introduction of the New Brunswick Drug Plan to ensure New Brunswickers can afford the drugs they need, when they need them. However, Green Party Leader David Coon expressed concern that the initial phase of the Drug Plan will be too costly for low income New Brunswickers to participate.
"I urge the Minister of Health to enact a regulation as soon as Bill 27 becomes law, to ensure that low income families can obtain a subsidy for premiums and co-payments if they cannot afford them," said David Coon, Green Party Leader.
We Can't Grow Our Way Out of Debt
Posted by merredith brewer · December 09, 2013 12:00 PM
The Green Party says that New Brunswick's spiralling debt highlighted in the Auditor General's report should be a reality check for New Brunswickers and political leaders alike.
"The numbers in Ms. MacPherson's annual report reflect the reality that we live in an era of slow growth. Our governments have refused to recognize this fact over the last decade," said David Coon, Leader of the Green Party.
On the Passing of Nelson Mandela: Statement from David Coon
Posted by merredith brewer · December 06, 2013 12:00 PM
06 DECEMBER 2013
FREDERICTON: In recognition of the passing of Nelson Mandela, David Coon, Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick released the following statement:
"Nelson Mandela showed the world that love and hope can triumph over hate and despair, with the power to alter the destiny of an entire nation. He was an inspiration to billions of people around our precious beautiful planet because he spoke to our shared humanity. How we live our lives matters to everyone. He made us truly feel like members of one human family. The struggle for justice in South Africa was our struggle. The pursuit of freedom from oppression is ours to pursue. The defeat of fear is ours to achieve. The power of love is ours to summon, and the triumph of hope is ours to grasp. If we remember these things, we shall never forget Mandela."
Petition Calls for Referendum on Electoral Reform ≈
Posted by merredith brewer · December 03, 2013 12:00 PM
- 03 DECEMBER 2013
A petition calling for a referendum on proportional representation will be tabled by Bev Harrison in the Legislature on December 10, 2013.
Two reports, one by the Commission for Legislative Democracy under the Lord Government and the other by Don Desserud and Cody Waite under the Alward Government, recommend a proportional voting system for New Brunswick as they argue the current system does not result in a Legislative Assembly that is representative of the NB population.
"Students for Democracy" launch petition for a more proportional voting system
Posted by merredith brewer · November 15, 2013 12:00 PM
15 NOVEMBER 2013
Students at St. Thomas University are collecting names on a petition calling for electoral reform in New Brunswick.
Matthew Belyea and Amanda Gallant, both social work students at St. Thomas University and founders of Students for Democracy in NB, say that our current first-past-the-post system is not accurately reflecting the will of voters. “The process by which our votes are translated into representative seats is not proportional, and that’s an injustice to the voting population,” says Belyea.
“If we want to see change in other areas of our life, we need to change how we are represented” says Gallant. “We are targeting youth and students, but we are by no means limiting this initiative to that demographic. This affects all of us.”
Green Party Leader Wants Free Vote on Shale Gas
Posted by merredith brewer · October 24, 2013 12:00 PM
24 OCTOBER 2013
New Brunswick's Green Party Leader David Coon wants a free vote on suspending shale gas licenses when the Legislative Assembly resumes sitting in two weeks.
"I want to see the representatives of the people in this province consult their constituents, search their consciences, and freely vote on suspending the licenses government has issued for shale gas exploration," said Coon. "It is vital that each Member of the Legislative Assembly stand and be counted on this issue, unscripted by their Party and bearing no obligation to vote with their Party," said Coon.