Green Party Leader to Seek Nomination to Run in Fredericton-Silverwood
11 DECEMBER 2012
Green Party Leader David Coon has announced that he will seek his party's nomination to run in the riding of Fredericton-Silverwood in the next general election.
"Our family has decided to move back to Fredericton after living for a number of years in rural New Brunswick. We will be returning to the City's west side where we had previously lived, which puts us squarely in the riding of Fredericton-Silverwood" said Green Party Leader David Coon. "It would be an honour to represent the people of Fredericton-Silverwood in the Legislative Assembly, and if nominated, I will work diligently to earn their support," said Coon.
It will be up to the Green Party’s Fredericton-Silverwood Riding District Association to set the date for a nomination meeting. “I hope it can happen early in the new year, but that decision rests with the RDA,” Coon added.
Coon's wife Janice Harvey is a lecturer at St. Thomas University and PhD candidate at UNB. They have two teenage daughters.
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