Click here for the PDF of - Green Party of New Brunswick Constitution 2021
Click here for the PDF of - Green Party of New Brunswick Bylaws 2022
In addition to the internal bylaws of the Green Party of New Brunswick, we are committed to the protection of user data.
Personal data
The Green Party of New Brunswick (GPNB) is committed to protecting the privacy of users of the Site. Personal information is transmitted by users, duly informed, and in full transparency, when they register on the Site. In the event that users communicate personal data in order to transmit information, the GPNB is committed to using this personal data only to be able to respond or to carry out marketing research concerning it. GPNB is committed to taking all reasonable care to ensure that personal data remains secure at all times and is only accessible to authorized GPNB personnel. Similarly, GNPB is committed not to give or sell to third parties the personal data given by the users of the Site, unless a legal or regulatory provision or a judicial authority requires it to do so.
At the written request of users, GPNB will delete their personal information from its database. In addition, users shall have the right to access, rectify and delete their personal data at any time by e-mail to [email protected]