The Green Party of New Brunswick is celebrating National Acadian Day
15 AUGUST 2016
FREDERICTON - On August 15, the Green Party of New Brunswick and David Coon, Leader of the Green Party and MLA for Fredericton South, encourage everyone to celebrate National Acadian Day and to attend their local celebrations on this occasion.
"This day of celebration is a day to recognize the tenacity, determination and resilience of the Acadian people, and to celebrate the vitality of l’Acadie today. The reality of l’Acadie today is central to our identity as a province. " said David Coon.
"For me, August 15 has always been very special and I’ve always celebrated. In recent years, I have deepened my understanding of the values and struggles of the Acadian people. The incredible resilience of these beautiful people is something I am proud to be a part of. It is also an opportunity to appreciate other cultures around me and to see their values. I wish you all a Happy Acadian Day! " said Nicole Richard, Francophone Vice-Chair of the Green Party of New Brunswick.
"Let's be proud of who we are and vive l’Acadie!" said Nathan Dimitroff Party member and Acadian artist
Bonne fête à toutes les Acadiennes et à tous les Acadiens.
Bon Tintamarre à tous!
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