09 JULY 2015
Fredericton – The Climate Summit of the Americas, hosted by the Government of Ontario, is taking place in Toronto today with representation from all Canadian Provinces except for New Brunswick. The summit is bringing together premiers, governors, ministers and civil servants from across North and South America to examine the means to build a low-carbon economy.
“Premiers Wynne and Couillard are attending the Summit in the run up to next week’s meeting of the premiers in St. Johns, where they will discuss opportunities associated with climate action and a Canadian Energy Strategy that will move Canada to a low carbon economy,” said David Coon, MLA Fredericton South and Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick. “It’s unfortunate that New Brunswick is not represented at the Summit in Ontario to learn about, and engage on, building a green economy.”
Premier Brian Gallant sits on the Canadian Energy Strategy Working Group which will present its recommendations to the Summer Meeting of Canada’s Premiers, July 15-17. The Premiers agreed last year that the Canadian energy strategy must move Canada towards a low carbon economy. In advance of the global climate summit in Paris in December, it is expected the Premiers will discuss the economic opportunities for their provinces associated with global action to address climate change.
“The priority for government must be to create full employment for New Brunswickers and this can be best achieved through the job creation required to build a low carbon society,” said Coon. “We need an economy that works for people and the planet.”
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