NB Greens welcome Green-NDP agreement in BC
The New Brunswick Green Party is applauding the efforts of the BC Green Party and BC NDP to forge a stable government for the people of British Columbia.
“I want to congratulate Green Party leader Andrew Weaver and NDP leader John Horgan in reaching an agreement to offer the kind of government that so many British Columbians have been seeking. This kind of collaboration between parties is the hallmark of parliaments around the world that have proportional representation,” said New Brunswick Green Party leader David Coon.
The BC Greens elected three Green MLAs on May 9th, giving them the balance of power in the Legislative Assembly. Leaders of provincial Green parties hold seats in the legislatures of British Columbia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, along with the federal Green Party leader Elizabeth May who is serving her second term in the House of Commons. This is the first time that more than a single Green MLA has been elected to a Canadian parliament.
“New Brunswickers have felt poorly served by the governments they elect for over a decade, defeating each of them after only a single term since the election of 2006. We can’t afford another majority government in 2018. New Brunswickers would be better served by a minority government that forced the parties to collaborate, as is happening in British Columbia” said Coon.
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