NB Election Results Meeting - November 15
NB Election Results ...
Where do we go from here?
An update on the NB political situation
by David Coon followed by a panel discussion on electoral reform.
Date: Thursday, November 15
Time: 7 – 9 pm
Place: O’Dell Park Lodge 397 Rookwood Ave. Fredericton
David Coon - MLA Fredericton South
Update on the most recent minority government;
The election and the myth that our voting system leads to sound stable government;
The difference between a coalition government and a minority government propped up by other parties issue by issue;
Green MLA Kevin Arseneau’s motion on Proportional Representation;
... and more.
Brenda Oslawsky - VP Fair Vote Canada and Fair Vote PEI
What can we learn from the PEI experience: the PEI referendum, success then rejection by the Liberal government
and the referendum in 2019.
Greg Ericson – Fredericton City Councillor Ward 8
Municipal election challenges: low voter turnout, gender imbalance, and disenfranchisement due to acclamation and
the opportunity for municipal electoral reform. Municipalities are leading the way, being the first to adopt
some form of electoral reform in Canada.
Chris Durrant Fair Vote Canada National Council member
Fair Vote Canada and Fair Vote Fredericton activities and plans for the federal election in 2019.
Questions and Answers session to follow
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