Green Party fields candidates in 94 per cent of ridings
(Fredericton) A retired police officer, the past president of the NB Federation of Woodlot Owners, a psychologist, business leaders, a former NB Power manager and farmers are among the varied occupations of Green Party candidates fielded in its 2014 general election for New Brunswick.
"Our candidates are your neighbours, your friends and people you have known all your life," Green Party Leader David Coon said. "They taught your children at school helped to set up and run your local care programs, whether it was community gardens or women's services. Collectively, like the people of this province, they care deeply about its future direction. And this time they chose to run on the Green ticket."
"The integrity and the quality of our candidates, combined with a comprehensive platform that speaks directly to voters’ concerns, demonstrates our Party's growing momentum," Coon said.
The Green Party has fielded candidates in 46 of the province’s 49 ridings, choosing not to run against independent candidate Charles Thériault in Restigouche.
"He is a tireless advocate for the forest and forest communities, so we are encouraging voters of Restigouche to vote for Charles,” Coon said.
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