Preventative Health Care
Good health is fundamental to our well-being. The Green Party will put preventative health care front and centre. We will ensure that everyone has access to the physical, mental, and reproductive health care they need, when they need it.
The Green Party will increase the capacity of the Medical Officers of Health, Public Health and Mental Health to better address the social and environmental determinants of health.
The Green Party will increase access to doctors by ending the current bureaucratic control over Medicare billing numbers. We will accelerate the move toward collaborative care family practice teams, so New Brunswickers of all ages and incomes have better access to the expertise of their family, nurse practitioners, dieticians, and counsellors.
The Green Party will develop and implement a women's health agenda, one that will establish comprehensive reproductive health care programming, mental health counselling, chronic disease management, and wellness support for women of all ages.
And we will introduce a Bill of Rights to Protect Children's Health from Environmental Hazards.