
Myriam Cormier

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About Myriam Cormier

Myriam grew up in Caraquet, on the Acadian Peninsula. She graduated from the Université de Moncton with a Bachelor's degree in psychology. She then embarked on a Master's degree in Social Work, where she acquired important skills in understanding the complexity of today's issues. She is currently writing her master's thesis.

In preparing to become a social worker, Myriam has worked in a number of fields. She was a course assistant, proofreader and research assistant at the Université de Moncton and Vitalité Health Network. She has also worked as a research intern for the Government of New Brunswick on mental health workforce planning. Her work as a regional mobilizer for the Green Party of New Brunswick has given her an in-depth understanding of the challenges facing New Brunswickers.

Myriam is committed to working with citizens to develop innovative and effective solutions to the challenges facing our region. Myriam will be a listening and caring ear, giving a voice to those whose voices have been silenced.