

    Posted by · February 13, 2018 8:00 AM

    February 13th, 2018

    Press release

    Alain Rousselle will be the Green candidate for the riding of Kent South in next year’s election.  He was acclaimed by the local Green party members last Friday at the Société Culturelle Kent Sud in Bouctouche.

    ''Alain Rouselle is in the vanguard of young Acadians who are part of the green wave that is building in New Brunswick, as we head towards the September election.  He will be a champion of real change for Kent South” said David Coon, leader of the Green party and MLA for Fredericton South. 

    Alain Rousselle had this to say about his nomination: '' I am very happy to be part of the green team. I am here to offer people of Kent South an alternative to the traditional parties that have governed our province for too long. "

    Alain is the thirteen Green party candidate to be nominated. Read more about Alain Rousselle: 
    Media Contact:
    Executive director | Directrice exécutive
    Phone : (506) 447-8499 | Fax (506) 447-8489
  • Response to 2018 Budget (full speech)

    Posted by · February 02, 2018 1:44 PM

    Response to 2018 Budget, 2 February 2018

    David Coon

    Leader of the Green Party

    MLA Fredericton-South

    Nine point six billion dollars is what government intends to spend to serve the people of our province.   Despite $165 million in additional revenue over what was received this past year, this budget will drive our deficit back up to $189 million by spending $235 million more than last year. After three years of effort to balance the books, this budget just continues to add to our ever-growing debt.  

    Government has got to start living within its means, while helping the tens of thousands of New Brunswickers who lack the means to live.

    We can do both, but this government is doing neither.

    The deficit and the provincial debt:

    The $165 million in additional revenue is more than enough to support new initiatives that are needed to make life better for New Brunswickers.  

    After steadily reducing the deficit of $500 million inherited from the Tories, by 22% in 2015, 32% in 2016, 54% in 2017, government stalled out this year with the deficit barely decreasing from $119 million in 2017 to $111 million this year, and now with this budget intends to drive it back up by 64%.

    The Auditor General wrote in her most recent report that she was encouraged by the recent signs of fiscal progress and hoped this progress continues.  Clearly it has not as this budget spends more than it takes in for the 11th consecutive year.

    Moreover, the Auditor General, noted that the net debt has doubled in a decade, and said this growth in debt is not sustainable.  She says that continued action is required because steadily increasing debt “may eventually impact the Province’s ability to meet its existing financial obligations, both in respect of its service commitments to the public and financial commitments to creditors, employees and others.

    Once again she called for the Province to set and achieve targets for long-term Net Debt control and reduction, and once again her recommendation has been ignored in this budget.

    It is time we take the Auditor General’s recommendation to heart.  This doesn’t require austerity as some would have you believe. Some services have already been cut to the bone.

    Making Choices:

    What it requires is different choices.

    For example, on top of the $150 to $200 million of financial help to industry that once again is contained in the budget, the Minister announced an additional $50 million.  We cannot afford to subsidize huge profitable multinational corporations.  Yet this government continues to do so.

    Le gouvernement doit remplir deux rôles principaux : protéger et habiliter les citoyens et leurs communautés; ces responsabilités doivent donc se concrétiser dans le budget.

    The budget should be focused like a laser beam on making life better for people, particularly for those who struggle with poverty, their health, their finances, or their age.  

    Comment peut-on répartir ces dépenses pour garantir que nos enfants réalisent leur plein potentiel, pour garantir que nos aînés reçoivent le soutien dont ils ont besoin pour vivre leur plein potentiel? Comment peut-on répartir ces dépenses pour garantir que nos citoyens et leurs communautés puissent s’adapter dans un monde qui évolue rapidement?

    How do we allocate these expenditures to ensure our communities are vibrant, more self-reliant and resilient? How do we allocate these expenditures to help New Brunswick make the transition to a low energy economy that necessarily must be powered and fueled with green renewable energy?  How do we allocate these expenditures to move down the path to reconciliation with the First Nations of New Brunswick?

    Fighting Poverty:

    The Minister of Finance says the budget is designed to address three challenges:  Senior Care and Health Care, Youth Employment, and the economy.

    It is startling that the fight against poverty did not make the cut.  The Conference Board of Canada study, that the Premier likes to quote, that ranked New Brunswick as having a high quality of life, also pointed out that what held us back from a higher ranking were our rates of poverty, our rates of suicide, and youth unemployment.   

    We know that poverty is a huge factor in the poor health of our population, in the high literacy rates, and in unemployment.  Yet this budget does not tackle poverty head-on.  

    Yes, the national program to establish affordable early learning centres across Canada will be helpful.  In 2016, 71% of single Mom’s with a pre-schooler were living in poverty.  I applaud the federal government for this initiative, and trust it will be implemented effectively in New Brunswick.  However, I fear this government is more intent on scoring political points from this national initiative then rolling it out in the most effective manner possible.

    Mr. Speaker, one of the most effective ways to cut health care costs, improve literacy, increase employment and propel community development is by tackling poverty.  

    Yet, income assistance rates remain frozen at levels impossible to live on. This effectively sentences individuals and families to government-enforced poverty, with single people trying to live on $537 a month.   

    And all the rules that keep those living in poverty from getting ahead remain: whether it’s the prohibition against sharing an apartment or the claw-back of child-support from single mothers, disability pensions from the disabled, or royalty revenue from indigenous people.

    Unlike PEI, there is nothing here to pilot a basic income guarantee, which could make a real difference in people’s lives.  There is no mention of accelerating the increase in minimum wage.  The agency set up to fight poverty, the Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation has its budget frozen in this budget.  The budget for adult training has been cut.  In light of this, it is no wonder overcoming poverty wasn’t a key priority in the budget speech.

    Les listes d’attente pour les logements subventionnés demeurent longues, et le budget pour le logement n’a guère évolué depuis l’année dernière à 92 millions de dollars.

    Pour ceux qui sont sans logement, malgré le travail remarquable des organismes communautaires de Fredericton, de Moncton et de Saint-Jean, nous restons sans engagement pour le financement des stratégies. D’abord chez soi, dans nos collectivités.

    The Canadian government announced its $40 billion national housing strategy last November. Why is there no sense of urgency to finalize the Canada-New Brunswick agreement to gain access to New Brunswick’s share of these funds to provide affordable housing, and to fight homelessness.  The most common request for help in my constituency office is from people who are in insecure housing, unsafe housing, who have been evicted, or are homeless.

    I have come to the conclusion that the responsibility for housing needs to be reorganized so that NB Housing re-assumes its mandate to ensure affordable housing is available to New Brunswickers in need.

    Health care spending that makes sense:

    The biggest part of this budget, a quarter of the spending,  goes to health care.  That is $2.8 billion dollars.  Most of this money, 80 %, pays for hospitals, physicians and drugs to care for people after they fall ill – which amounts to sick care.

    We will spend $1.3 billion on hospitals, $665 million on doctors, $200 million on drugs, and $113 million on mental health care.  

    A smart budget would allocate its expenditures to reduce the number of people falling ill in the first place. This means two things: a clear focus to combat poverty; and real action on prevention and health promotion.

    A smart budget would also deliver health care differently to both improve access and deliver health care in a less costly manner.

    That’s what we would do, because we look upstream for solutions, rather than applying band-aid solutions.  

    The conditions into which people are born, grow, live, work and age – largely determine whether someone falls ill or develops chronic diseases.  Even the vast majority of cancers are caused by environmental conditions from diet and alcohol addiction to air quality and food quality.  

    A livable income, a secure roof over your head, sufficient and healthy food, a sense of belonging, an education, and a healthy home, workplace and environment will vastly improve the health of our population, cutting the costs of sick care.

    Cela témoigne de la nécessité de mettre en place des politiques et des programmes publics plus efficaces pour le développement social, le développement communautaire, la santé et la sécurité au travail, et la protection de l’environnement.

    On s’attendrait d’un budget pour le bien-être qu’il focalise sur la prévention et la promotion de la santé, mais ce domaine demeure sous-financé à 7 millions de dollars.

    To take one example, the Department of Health has estimated that alcohol abuse cost the New Brunswick government $448 million in 2002.  Of that amount, $121 million were health care costs.  And these numbers are 15 years old. Just imagine the savings to the health care budget if we were able to cut alcohol addiction in half.

    The one area of spending traditionally designed to  prevent disease and foster health promotion is public health.  Inexplicably, the budget of the Chief Medical Officer of Health’ budget was cut by almost 30% with large numbers of her staff being scattered among other departments.  

    Green initiatives to make our province more self-sufficient in healthy food - beginning with our hospitals and nursing homes, to cut alcohol addiction, to get cancer-causing pollutants out of our workplaces, our homes, and neighbourhoods - would dramatically cut health care costs because we would have a healthier population.

    A second essential pathway to lower health care costs and a healthier population is improving and changing access to health care services.

    Our health system remains designed to address acute problems, anchored in our network of hospitals, with doctors serving as the gateway to health services, making for expensive health care for chronic conditions or minor ailments, and inaccessible mental health care for many.

    Nous dépensons 1,3 milliard de dollars pour les hôpitaux où nos ainés sont obligés de s’installer en raison du manque de soins à domicile ou de places dans les résidences pour personnes retraitées, qui coûtent beaucoup moins cher, il faut le préciser.  

    Les personnes qui ont des conditions chroniques ou des affections mineures, ou encore qui n’ont pas de fournisseurs de soins primaires sont obligées d’utiliser les services d’urgence à l’hôpital, alors qu’il n’y a aucune urgence.

    This government, just like the government before it, talks about the priority and benefits of community-based health care.  It can deliver a significant portion of the health care now delivered in hospitals, more effectively, at less cost in ways that are better suited to managing chronic disease, treating minor ailments, prevention and health promotion.

    However, the network of community health centres promised by both Tories and Liberals has never materialized.  Places like Petitcodiac are ready and waiting, and in real need of a community health centre, but nothing has happened.  No network of community health centres means continuing expensive health care.

    The government’s promise to improve access to health care by maximizing the use of health professionals such as nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and midwives, working to their full scope of practice has been broken.

    These health professionals are often in a better position to deliver health care services, more effectively, and at a lower cost, so I would have thought implementing this election promise would have been a priority from day 1.

    Pharmacists can handle treatment of many minor ailments and issue prescriptions more affordably, but unlike just about every other province, these services are not covered by Medicare in New Brunswick.  This leaves people sitting in ERs for endless hours, waiting to use the expensive machinery of the hospital to get a prescription for common infections, rather than simply popping into their pharmacy for a few minutes.

    With the positive deal just announced to bring down the cost of generic drugs in Canada, there is now an economic imperative for our pharmacists to be able to work to their full scope of practice, to deliver health services covered by Medicare, as their revenue drops from prescriptions.  This revenue would help offset these losses, ensuring communities do not lose their pharmacies, while improving access to health care.

    Nurse practitioners could become the primary care provider for so many who have been waiting for years for a family doctor, at a lower cost than physicians, but this government will not permit them to establish private practices and be reimbursed by Medicare.  As a result, we have nurse practitioners leaving the province, and for some who stay, they are losing their certification for the lack of hours practicing.

    Midwives can provide pre- and post-natal care, and deliver babies at a lower cost than obstetricians, freeing them up to concentrate on high risk pregnancies.  The post-natal care can ensure that children get off to a good start in life. Yet, in three and a half years, only three midwives have been permitted to practice, and only in a single location - Fredericton.

    This is the government’s fourth budget which has failed to implement these advances – all of which were promised in this government’s election platform.  Instead we have communities who may lose their only pharmacy, thousands of people without primary care health providers when nurse practitioners are out of work, families wondering why they can’t access a midwife in their community, and communities wondering if they will ever see a community health centre.  

    This year New Brunswick will receive $5.2 million out of the $250 million available from the Canadian government under the Canada-New Brunswick Agreement on Home Care and Mental Health Care.  This is intended to improve access to mental health care, particularly for youth.  Yet, I see only a $2.5 million increase in the mental health care budget.

    Comment ces fonds seront-ils dépensés? Seront-ils utilisés pour étendre l’accès aux services de santé mentale communautaire qui ciblent les enfants et les jeunes, qui reconnaissent l’efficacité d’une intervention précoce pour traiter les maladies mentales? Est-ce qu’ils serviront spécifiquement à financer la psychothérapie?

    The discussion on health care costs continues to be caught on the rocks of a very politicized debate on the number of hospitals we have, exploiting the fear of people that they will lose access to health care as a result of future efforts to control health care costs.

    Greens believe we can improve access to health care, at lower cost by moving more health care into the community, delivered by a wider array of health professionals working to their full scope of practice.  Nurse practitioners, pharmacists, midwives, psychotherapists must play a more prominent role in our health care system, in our communities.  

    Cela rendrait les soins de santé plus abordables et plus efficaces.

    Support for again in New Brunswick:

    The Premier has repeatedly insisted that our aging population represents the Province’s largest challenge, yet this budget barely scratches the surface.

    It has been almost four years since the former government released a three-year Home First Strategy, designed to keep seniors in their homes as long as possible.  This was based on the recommendations made by the Premier’s Panel on Seniors in 2012.

    After being elected, this government has repeatedly emphasized its commitment to Home First, but now after the expiry of the Home First Strategy it is barely getting to first base. It is only in this budget that we are finally seeing some action.

    Les soins à domicile sont en pleine déroute. On manque gravement d'aide au maintien à domicile tellement ces travailleurs sont mal payés. C’est bon de voir que ce budget pose les premiers jalons pour s'attaquer à ce problème urgent.

    Government received $12.4 million for this fiscal year from the federal government under the Canada-New Brunswick Home Care and Mental Health Agreement to increase home care, by supporting caregivers. This federal money was key to making progress here.

    This budget provides $11.3 million to support family caregivers, and $12 million to increase the wages of home support workers, as well as special care home employees.  It also will finally give the Seniors and Long Term Care Branch at Social Development some capacity to carry out strategic planning and develop public policy and programs for seniors.  These are all positive steps in the right direction, but so long coming, and certainly less than comprehensive.

    Part of the government’s aging strategy is to recognize Age-Friendly communities, but it does not appear that this budget provides funding to help communities upgrade their infrastructure to actually become age-friendly, as has been done by Nova Scotia with its Age-Friendly Community Grant Program.

    Older seniors often are unable to drive and need access to convenient public transportation. The government received recommendations for a public transportation strategy from the New Brunswick Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation last December that would support seniors living at home.

    A key recommendation was for dedicated provincial funding to expand transit and community transportation. Another was to provide stable core funding to allow community transportation initiatives to focus on service delivery. Je ne vois aucun de ces éléments dans le budget. On ne peut pas retirer les services locaux aux communautés, sans fournir les moyens aux gens pour qu’ils puissent accéder à ces services là où ils ont été centralisés.

    I see $3 million in revenue from the federal government from its public transit infrastructure fund, down from the 6.5 million received last year, but this fund is for infrastructure not operational costs.

    Investing in ourselves

    Dans son discours, la ministre a dit qu’il fallait créer des possibilités pour permettre aux jeunes de rester ici et que le budget comprenait des mesures pour y parvenir. Eh bien! Monsieur le Président, rétablir le programme de rabais sur les droits de scolarité pour les nouveaux diplômés contribuerait grandement à l'atteinte de cet objectif.

    A new report from the Maritime Commission on Higher Education found that the decline in retention of New Brunswick university students with the Class of 2012, had been reversed by the Class of 2014, with 74 percent of New Brunswick students residing in the province 2 years after graduation.  The tuition rebate program was well established by that time, and undoubtedly contributed to this improvement.

    The tuition rebate represents an expenditure of $25 million in the budget, but a true investment in helping graduates get a good start in life here in New Brunswick.  Repurposing some of the $150 million dedicated to business could readily fund a renewed tuition rebate program.

    The third priority this budget is supposed to address is the economy.  The Minister of Finance said in her speech, that building an innovative and productive economy is important.  The way this government’s budget intends to address this is by throwing millions more at efforts to increase exports.  Yet, we are already one of this country’s most export dependent provinces.  Why would we want to further increase our dependence on volatile markets outside New Brunswick?

    It’s time we try something new.  It’s time to focus government economic policy on replacing imports as a basis of our prosperity.

    Une étude qui sera bientôt publiée par le Centre for Local Prosperity de Nouvelle-Écosse s’est penchée sur les avantages pour notre économie de remplacer des importations coûteuses par des produits locaux pour stimuler la prospérité.  

    The results demonstrate that targeting a 10 percent increase in local production to replace imported goods and services across Atlantic Canada could add more than 43,000 jobs, $2.6 billion in new wages, and $219M in new tax revenue.

    New Brunswick imports more than $9 billion worth of goods every year.  Imagine the local economic benefits of replacing even a portion of these imports with local production and local services.

    L'année dernière, le gouvernement a lancé une stratégie visant à transformer notre économie pour qu’elle soit beaucoup moins dépendante des combustibles fossiles.

    An import replacement strategy that tackles coal, oil and natural gas will both strengthen our local economies and achieve the goals of the government’s climate action plan to transition to a low carbon economy.

    To replace the imports of oil, coal and natural gas, we need to increase local services to upgrade the energy efficiency of homes and buildings.  This will grow the demand for energy efficiency products and technologies, more of which we should be producing locally.  We will need to increase the local production of clean renewable energy,  which will grow the demand for these fuel, technologies and the associated infrastructure and services, more of which we should produce locally.  

    Shortening our supply lines through replacing imported food by increasing the production and consumption of local food will reduce the carbon footprint of transportation while growing our local economies.  

    Repairing equipment and machinery, like electrical transformers, rather than importing new replacements from outside the province, is another example of how local services could replace imports, bring the work to New Brunswick, while helping to meet our legislated targets to reduce carbon pollution.

    The success of the craft brewing industry in New Brunswick is an example of how replacing imports from outside our borders by increasing the production of locally produced beer has multiple economic benefits.

    Local food, local manufacturing, and locally-produced green, clean energy will do the same.

    Nova Scotia has only half the exports of New Brunswick, yet it has less debt per capita and has balanced its books.

    Import replacement is an economic strategy that Greens would pursue to make our communities more prosperous and stable.   It is an economic strategy that will focus on Main Street, not Bay Street.

    This is unlike the $150 million that Opportunities New Brunswick and the Regional Development Corporation draw from, which help big profitable business enterprises, at the expense of our local businesses.

    Greens would change the emphasis to ensuring Main Street is thriving.  Bay Street can take care of itself.

    If a hardware store, hair stylist, pharmacy, restaurant, farmer, building contractor, or energy contractor, for example, is looking to expand their business, they should be eligible for payroll rebates. These businesses are the backbone of every local economy, and are an essential part of a green economy.

    Last year, this government gave $3.6 million in payroll rebates to the highly profitable Bell Canada and a forgivable loan of $6.8 million to the phantasmagorically profitable TD Bank, which has previously received $2 million in payroll rebates from the province. That sucking sound, is the sound of our local wealth being hoovered by the super-corps.


    Government can live within its means while ensuring all have the means to live, but it will take a new approach – one that is rooted in the realities of today, and the hopes of tomorrow not the experience of yesterday.  It is time to jettison old strategies that no longer work and adopt those that will.  It’s time to mobilize the energy, knowledge, and creativity found in our communities to move New Brunswick forward.

  • Green Party leader officially responds to the election budget

    Posted by · February 02, 2018 1:15 PM

    Fredericton –On Friday, David Coon, Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick and MLA for Fredericton South responded to the provincial budget, saying that it fails to tackle the high levels of poverty in New Brunswick, while unnecessarily driving up the deficit. 

    “Government has got to start living within its means, while helping the tens of thousands of New Brunswickers who lack the means to live,” said Coon during his speech. “The Premier has an extra $165M in revenue to work with, which should enable him to tackle poverty head-on, and continue to reduce the deficit. Instead, he has opted to spend an extra $238M in this election year, driving the deficit back up to $189M.”

    The budget contains no change in income assistance rates. A single person must continue to try and live on $537 monthly.   

    “The Premier should have made fighting poverty one of the key priorities for this budget. Poverty is known to impact your health, your educational achievement, and your ability to succeed in the workforce. If we are serious about health and education, we need to be serious about fighting poverty,” said Coon.

    “Budgets are about decisions,” said Coon. “We can live within our means as a province, and still ensure that the most vulnerable have the means to live.”

  • Integrity Commissioner upholds public right to know rental rate for new tourism welcome centre

    Posted by · January 24, 2018 10:00 AM

    Fredericton – On January 16th, Integrity Commissioner Deschênes issued a report of findings regarding a request for information filed by David Coon, leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick on February 2, 2017.

    “Last year I filed for access to information regarding a lease agreement between the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure and Irving Oil for the new visitor information centre in St. Stephen,” said Coon.

    The Department originally withheld the square footage, the length of the lease, and the amount of rent paid. Through informal processes with the Commissioner they released some of this information in December of 2017. They continued to withhold the annual rental rate, which the Commissioner has advised they should release.

    “My request to DTI should have been straightforward and instead it has been a year of fighting for information that should already be public,” said Coon. “The government secrecy around how it is spending public money has to end.”

    Coon is currently in court pursuing financial details of contracts governing P3 nursing homes across the province associated with another access to information request that was denied by the Department of Social Development.

  • Green Party Leader Appoints Marilyn Merritt-Gray and Denis Boulet as Deputy Leaders

    Posted by · January 16, 2018 1:30 PM


    Fredericton – Today David Coon, leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick and MLA for Fredericton South introduced the party’s new Deputy Leaders, Marilyn Merritt-Gray and Denis Boulet. Merritt-Gray is the Green Party’s candidate for Gagetown-Petitcodiac, while Boulet will be running in Madawaska les Lacs-Edmundston.

    “My deputy leaders will help me, and all our candidates, ensure that New Brunswickers know that a caucus of Green MLAs will bring renewal to our province, by producing a minority government,” said Coon. “A minority government will be a more effective government because it will require collaboration among the parties to better serve the people of our province.  We can’t afford another majority government where the Premier wields power for political ends, at the expense of us all.”

    “Marilyn and Denis are strong leaders, who will bring important perspectives from rural and small town New Brunswick , as we prepare for the 2018 election.  It’s very important to me to have a youth and woman’s perspective, representing both our linguistic communities, integrated into the leadership of our party,” said Coon.

    Marilyn Merritt-Gray lives with her family in Kars on Belleisle Bay.  She has spent her career as a nurse in mental health, women’s wellness, rural health service delivery and community development.

    Denis Boulet is from Connors in Haut-Madawaska. He currently works on the family Christmas tree farm. Denis has been active in his community, promoting local history and museums.


    Posted by · December 06, 2017 1:40 AM

    December 5th, 2017

    Press release

    Rothesay-Ann McAllister will be the Green candidate for the riding of Rothesay in next year’s election.  She was acclaimed by the local Green party members last night at the Kennebecasis Public Library.

    ''I am pleased that Ann has been acclaimed as the candidate for Rothesay. Ann has dedicated her career to supporting newcomers and building community. She will be a great representative for the people of Rothesay, " said David Coon, leader of the Green party and MLA for Fredericton South. 

    Ann McAllister had this to say about her nomination: ''As candidate for the NB Green Party in the riding of Rothesay, I will work diligently to fulfill the trust you have placed in me. I support Town Council's goal of ensuring that Rothesay is accessible and affordable to those on fixed incomes. I will also explore strategies for building a sustainable, resilient society, economy and environment in the face of climate change. "

    Ann McAllister is the eighth Green party candidate to be nominated. The next nomination meeting will occur on December 16th in Florenceville-Bristol. Media Advisory to follow. 

    Media Contact:

    Executive director | Directrice exécutive
    Phone : (506) 447-8499 | Fax (506) 447-8489
  • The silence is unacceptable: Green party leader seeking response on affordable housing

    Posted by · November 30, 2017 9:00 AM

    David Coon, leader of the Green party of New Brunswick and MLA for Fredericton South, is calling on the Premier to respond to the 10-year national housing strategy announced Nov 22nd with details on how New Brunswick will participate.

    "The number one issue I hear about from constituents at my office is housing insecurity," said Coon. "Now the federal government has announced a $40B, ten-year plan to support affordable housing across the country and our government has been silent as to how it will put this money to use."

    Since Prime Minister Trudeau announced the plan, provincial ministers and premiers across the country have responded publicly to address their priorities and concerns with the plan: including Ontario, Nova Scotia, British Colombia, Alberta, and Quebec. The New Brunswick government has been absent from the public discourse.

    “On an issue of such importance to New Brunswick, the silence is unacceptable," said Coon. “If the province is negotiating with the federal government for our share of that $40B, New Brunswickers should know what our government’s priorities are.”

  • Second Green MLA for PEI

    Posted by · November 28, 2017 8:00 AM

    Hannah Bell wins District 11 by-election by 157 votes

    November 27nd, 2017

    Press release 

    Fredericton - 
    New Brunswick Green Party leader David Coon congratulates Hannah Bell for winning the PEI by-election in Charlottetown-Parkdale.  

    "The winds of change are blowing across the Maritimes," said Coon.  "Hannah will be an outstanding MLA for her constituents and a powerhouse as a parliamentarian in the PEI Legislative Assembly, creating the second Green caucus in the country, alongside PEI Green Party leader Peter Bevan-Baker." 

    "I know New Brunswickers can't wait to send a strong caucus of Green MLAs to Fredericton to bring about an effective minority government that will better serve them," said Coon.


    Media Contact:
    Executive director | Directrice exécutive
    Phone : (506) 447-8499 | Fax (506) 447-8489

    Posted by · November 22, 2017 9:00 AM

    Chris Smissaert will be the Green candidate for the riding of Fredericton North in next year’s election.  He was elected by the local Green party members.

    ''I want to congratulate Chris Smisseart, on winning the nomination to run as the Green candidate in Fredericton North, which he and two others were seeking.  As leader, I am thrilled that the Green Party nominations are being vigorously contested in riding after riding.  The membership in Fredericton North has elected a passionate candidate who is dedicated to stand up for the public interest and to pursue truth an reconciliation in our relationship with the Wolastoqiyik people of St. Mary's First Nation" said David Coon, leader of the Green party and MLA for Fredericton South. 

    Chris Smissaert had this to say about his nomination: ''Many thanks to all Greens in Fredericton North who supported me this night.  You have given me your trust to bring "Real Change" to all of us here on the Northside of Fredericton.  A Green MLA in Fredericton North.  I will work very hard and do my best and with our fine leader and Great Platform and your help, we will be successful. "

    Chris Smissaert is the seventh Green party candidate to be nominated. The next nomination meeting will occur on December 6th at the Kennebecasis Public Library. Media Advisory to follow. 

    Media Contact:

    Executive director | Directrice exécutive
    Phone : (506) 447-8499 | Fax (506) 447-8489
  • A politics of respect

    Posted by · November 16, 2017 8:21 PM

    Recent events in Moncton point to a problem deeper than targeted vandalism. Almost two weeks ago, someone littered a neighborhood with posters that lampooned the NB Minister of Finance and her just-nominated female political colleague. Both were depicted as female puppets controlled by and dependent on male leadership. Public outcry was swift with political colleagues denouncing the act and the articulate Minister confidently defending herself and the Premier. The dust on the issue settled quickly with the situation publicly considered an isolated incident.

    My experience as political candidate, however, suggests differently. Politics and the political culture of New Brunswick remain a tightly controlled Old Boys Club, an environment where women are rare, and remain devalued or dismissed as secondary players. One of the hallmarks of a democracy is that it reflects the diversity and interests of its citizens. On this measure New Brunswick continues to fail.

    New Brunswick was the 7th province to grant women the right to vote and the 9th to grant women the right to run for provincial office. Brenda Robertson in 1967 was the first woman elected as MLA and in 1970 became the first female Cabinet Minister. Our integration of women in politics still has us in last place compared with other provinces. Only 16% of New Brunswick’s elected MLAs are women, a rate that has not improved for almost 20 years.

    This reality extends beyond the doors of the Chamber and into the offices of the leaders where senior political staffers remain predominantly male. Journalists in the press gallery remain predominantly male. The top civil service and lobbyist positions remain predominately male.

    While gender representation is better in Canadian federal politics, still only 26% of our elected MPs are women. It is believed that 30 to 33% representation is needed to begin to change a Political agenda and culture. Studies show that with better gender representation, economies strengthen and governance improves.

    Tabitha Southey in her recent MacLean’s opinion piece describes the federal political climate as one where women are “routinely condemned as too ugly to be seen or too pretty to be taken seriously." She refers to the experience of federal Environment Minister, Catherine McKenna, after she called out Rebel Media for repeatedly referring to her as ‘Climate Barbie’.

    Southey went on to say some critics then described her as ‘undignified’, suggesting “'if she wants to be a minister, she has to have thicker skin,' thicker skin is the thing women are expected to grow at the same time they’re being told to lighten up." The same level of fortitude Southey suggests is not demanded of men, who are mostly ‘reacting’, not ‘over reacting’ to an affront to their dignity.

    Monique Bégin, the highly respected former MP, in her recent speech to MPs and Senators focused on male political power and described toxic masculinity in politics. She states she is no longer interested in seeing the glass ceiling shattered. Rather, she says it’s the ‘roots of patriarchy’ that need to be addressed. She says it is the sexual abuse, and systemic harassment that limits women’s true access to power, and as such she calls for a transformational shift in the way we do politics. She calls for a political environment that is safe and respectful for both women and men.

    NB Green Party Leader David Coon when speaking in the Legislature this past week concerning the postering incident in Moncton, stressed the important role all MLAs have to become ‘a part of the solution’. Indeed, when members undermine one another, pounce on one another’s perceived weakness, and act to win at one another’s expense, we are all worse for it. These behaviors alienate the very people MLAs are elected to represent. Indeed, we are long overdue for a transformational collaborative shift in the way we do politics.

    Recently I have had women speak with me expressing interest in serving their community by running for political office. While they express concern about the financial cost and potential impact on their family, their primary concern is the nasty, destructive behavior they see currently practiced in political circles. The smart, highly skilled tenacious leaders that they are, they still question if their effort is better spent in social activist or other community career development work, rather than investing in political life. Without transformational change in our political culture we will never experience the full benefit of these women as political leaders.

    Marilyn Merritt-Gray is a nurse and lifelong advocate for women’s health and rural services. She is the Green Party Candidate for Gagetown-Petticodiac.