
Burt Folkins


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About Burt Folkins

Burt Folkins is a family man who has lived in beautiful New Brunswick his entire life. He and his wife have four adult children, all of whom are also living in NB with their families. Burt spent his early years in rural NB, growing up and then working on a mixed farm that has been in the Folkins family for nine generations. He then completed a diploma in Civil Technology at New Brunswick Community College before embarking on a career. Burt has been self-employed for the most part, focusing on real estate development and financial services. It’s through this work, and a lifetime of community and volunteer service, that Burt has demonstrated characteristics that speak to his core values: Being earnest, honest, results-oriented, optimistic, and fiscally responsible – and always supporting local New Brunswick.

Burt shares the concerns of his fellow New Brunswickers: Access to timely healthcare and pharmacare, adequate housing, education, climate issues, land reform, government election reform, tax reform, basic living income and improved support for social programming.

On the future for NB, Burt’s outlook is positive, and action driven. He says: “Ask yourself if you and your family are better off now than four years ago, if the answer is no, then you need a change just like our government.”

Having lived a lifetime of service to his community, Burt can think of no greater way to give back than to run as a Green Party candidate in Carleton York. Burt believes this is the perfect opportunity to represent his fellow New Brunswickers at the provincial level and to advocate on their behalf for a future that is bright, comfortable, affordable, safe, caring, and just. As a grandfather of five Burt believes passionately in a better future for our children and future generations regardless of their means, race, colour, language, religion or diversity. In Burt’s vision of New Brunswick all are welcome.