Brian Boucher
Arcadia-Butternut Valley-Maple Hills
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About Brian Boucher
Brian lived in Nackawic for 16 years, later working at St.Anne Nackawic pulp mill until its closure in 2004, reopening under new ownership in 2006. This led Brian to his next journey, working in health care. Here it was quickly noticed how much of a need there is for government support in this field. This is an issue that Brian plans to work with all levels of government including frontline workers to resolve these issues.
After working in Healthcare, Brian began managing farmers markets in the area. This allowed him to see a new sector in our Province, Farming & Agriculture as well helping many small businesses a long the way. He was able to see how having these local farmers come in and sell, not only helped the farmers but also the see consumers supporting local businesses, a way for everyone to help each other. As MLA Brian will be working to help people find a way to make living affordable which includes local farmers and many small businesses.
Brian holds a passion to help the people of the riding, he strives to be approachable, respectful of everyone, and to do his all to make the voices of the people be heard. It is time for change and if you’re willing to step outside of your comfort zone, Brian can be that positive change.
As your MLA, I will be working for and with the citizens of my riding. I will be finding out their concerns and bring them to the Legislature. As your MLA, I will be YOUR voice for change!