August 2023 Newsletter
It is hard to believe, but I have just reached my 6 month mark as Executive Director of this awesome Party! I have been so thrilled with the progress we’ve made as a Party so far this year. We have run 3 very successful by-election campaigns. We held our first in-person Annual General Meeting since the Covid pandemic, and in-person events all over the province. We have seen historic fundraising. And we have grown our staff and volunteer teams. I am so grateful to each of you for your part in this success.
Let’s continue to build on that progress! Because given the political turmoil we saw this Spring, an early election call is certainly a possibility. And we need to be ready. As you may know, the new riding boundaries are coming into effect for the next provincial election. Our regional mobilizers have been busy recruiting members to hold executive positions on their Registered District Associations (RDAs) across the province. RDAs are the local, grassroots foundations of our party and they are vital to building our on-the-ground support.
I encourage you to join your local RDA by becoming a member of the Green Party of New Brunswick. If you are already a member, consider volunteering for an executive position on your RDA as the President, Secretary, Official Representative, or a number of other roles.
My first experience with the Green Party of New Brunswick was attending an AGM for the riding of Fredericton-South where I was asked to serve a term as the RDA President. I am so grateful for that opportunity because I got to learn more about the Party, the democratic process, and meet so many inspiring people.
Participatory democracy is one of our core principles, and that is why I am calling on all our supporters to get involved in the democratic process by joining their local RDAs so that we can strengthen the grassroots foundation of our party in every riding across the province.
Enjoy the newsletter and I hope you consider joining your local RDA,
Claire Kelly-Orozco
Executive Director of the Green Party of New Brunswick
In This Issue:
- Staff Appreciation Spotlight
- Call for Candidates
- Get Involved
- Catch David on the Road
Staff Appreciation Spotlight
Benoît LeBlanc, Myriam Cormier, and Addison Fach
We have recently hired two more regional mobilizers, Benoît LeBlanc and Myriam Cormier, who have joined Addison Fach to engage Green Party of New Brunswick supporters across the province.
Addison, Myriam, and Benoît have been working with members to organize RDAs the new provincial riding boundaries. Their work is crucial to building our on-the-ground capacity by recruiting members to hold RDA positions, and providing support to RDAs as they work to find candidates and volunteers to run successful election campaigns.
Thank you to Addison, Myriam, and Benoît for everything you continue to do to grow our party from the grassroots up!
Call for Candidates
Nominations are now open across the province!
Nominations are now open for all ridings and we are seeking Green candidates for the next provincial election.
If you or someone you know is interested in running as the Green Party of New Brunswick’s candidate for your riding, we want to hear from you! The first step in the nomination process is to complete an application to be a candidate.
If you are not quite ready to apply, but would like to know more about the process for becoming a candidate, contact our Executive Director, Claire Kelly-Orozco at [email protected] and she would be happy to set up a meeting or phone call to discuss further and help you make your decision.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to get involved and support the Green Party of New Brunswick is to join your local Registered District Association (RDA).
By signing up to become a member, you are automatically a member of your riding’s RDA, allowing you to attend meetings and events, vote, and hold an executive position on your RDA team. (***please note your membership must be valid for at least 14 days to be eligible to vote or hold an executive position).
RDA members are encouraged to get involved by serving in a position on their RDA executive team. Some positions are:
RDA President: Oversees all the activities and operations of the RDA and is the main point of contact for the riding.
Secretary: Records the meeting minutes, keeps files, updates lists, and assists with organizing events and meetings
Official Representative: Oversees the financial transactions and records of the RDA, should have some background in accounting or bookkeeping.
If you are interested in volunteering on your local RDA or would simply like more information, we would love to help you get started! Contact [email protected] today, and we will put you in touch with one of our regional mobilizers who will give you all the information and resources you need to help you every step of the way.
Catch David on the Road
Green Party of New Brunswick Leader, David Coon, has a busy schedule this summer as he tours around the province to listen to the concerns of New Brunswickers and work with fellow Greens to strengthen our grassroots support in every riding in the province.
In addition to his annual summer trips to Grand Manan and Kedgwick River, David has planned to attend several events across the province. You can keep up with him by following his official facebook page here.
If you would like to meet with David, be sure to come to one of the events listed below:
Saturday, August 5 - Area 506 festival at the Container Village in Saint John
Monday, August 7 - Emancipation Day and New Brunswick Day celebrations in Fredericton
Saturday, August 12 - Pride Parade in Saint John & Downtown Blues Band Corn Boil in Fredericton
Tuesday, August 15 - Quinzou (15 août) Celebrations in Moncton
Saturday, August 19 - Fredericton RDA BBQ at Odell Park
Friday, August 25 - Rogersville Bluegrass Festival (with Kevin Arseneau)
Saturday, August 26 - Saint John’s Moonlight Bazaar
Saturday, September 2 - Moncton Pride Parade & Market (with Megan Mitton)