World Day of Social Justice: Green Party Leader Applauds New Brunswickers for their Efforts
20 FEBRUARY 2015
(FREDERICTON, NB) - Ending human trafficking and forced labour is the theme of this year's World Day of Social Justice. Since 2007, the United Nations has recognized February 20th as a day dedicated to the eradication of poverty, the promotion of full employment and decent work, gender equality, access to social wellbeing and justice for all.
Green Party Leader and Fredericton South MLA, David Coon, said that while progress has been made since 2007, we still have a long way to go before those goals are reached.
"Observance of this day presents a two-fold opportunity," he said. "It invites us to come together for a common cause at a global level, while keeping in mind the importance of endorsing and enforcing these values at the local level."
He said we must also recognize the efforts of those working in communities towards an inclusive and sustainable New Brunswick.
"From individual acts of kindness to the combined efforts of community groups, activists and social movements, we are all working towards an inclusive, equitable and sustainable New Brunswick," Mr. Coon added.
The MLA for Fredericton South asks all New Brunswickers to join the UN General Assembly in taking time to think about social justice issues such as the global fight against forced labour, including human trafficking and slavery-like practices.
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