The New Economy
It is time that David Alward abandon the fruitless effort to expand the old economy. It's just too expensive to run anymore.
It is time to grow the new economy in New Brunswick. The new economy is local, it is green, and it works for people, not the other way around. It's an economy based on caring and sharing. It's localization, not globilization. It builds on New Brunswick's strengths, keeping money and investment cycling through the provincial economy, rather than having it leave the province.
The shoots of the new economy are already growing in every corner of the province. I think of the business people who have established grocery stores specializing in local food, and the young people who have started farming to supply them. I think of the designers and builders who are creating passive solar and net zero energy homes. I think of the manufacturers building geothermal heat pumps. I think of the software designers working to establish a smart grid for New Brunswick.
When we think of the new economy, we need to think about community development and growing local economies. To grow the new economy requires a change in mind set.
This requires establishing new tools such as Community Economic Development Investment Funds. The Province would provide a tax credit for New Brunswickers so they can put their investment capital in funds that support locally-owned and operated businesses, cooperatives and social enterprises.
The old economy is just not going to grow much more, and when it does, it benefits the 1% while mortgaging the future for the rest of us. The Green Party wants the Alward government to grow the new economy as its top priority. That's the path we need to take.
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