
Robert Kryszko


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About Robert Kryszko

Pu’sul, (which means “Hello” in the Mi’gmag language), my name is Robert Kryszko, and for over 35 years, I resided in the beautiful community of Pabineau First Nation with my spouse Nancy, and we raised 2 children: Cindy and Mark.

In 2004, I was elected as Councillor for Pabineau First Nation (2-year term) and re-elected for a second term of office. Achievements as Councillor include:

Increasing long-term economic development & capital construction projects. In the first year as Councillor, our community employment rate increased from 60% to 95%. Alleviative financial hardship and poverty for so many community members.

I was part of the timber harvesting committee for Pabineau, and we negotiated a Timber Harvesting Agreement with the province for a 5% allowable timber harvest and negotiations with the Crown on Interim Aboriginal Fishery Strategy Agreement for the conservation, protection and management of the Food, Social and Ceremonial fishery, and Commercial/Moderate Livelihood fishery.

Then, I enrolled into a 2-year Business Administration course with NBCC in 2009. Within the first year, I made history by being the very first Mi’gmag to be elected as Vice-President to NBCC Miramichi Student Council, and to be elected, as Vice-President, to the Provincial Council of Student Executives; representing over 5,000 post-secondary students in NB.

Since 2019 to current date, I work as the Special Research and Programs Coordinator for the Pabineau First Nation. I specialize in securing funding (lots of money) for community employment opportunities, capacity building, expansion, and diversification initiatives. My priority is to find new ways to bring new revenue streams into the Bathurst riding and work on creating a standard of living acceptable and affordable for all people that reside here.