Renew your NB Green Party Membership

Thank you for supporting our work and our goals by renewing your membership.


1. Membership Fee


2. Your information

Membership fees are not tax deductible.

3. Payment information

4. Reconfirmation

By renewing my membership I reconfirm the following.

  1. I am a resident of New Brunswick.
  2. I am not a registered member of another provincial party.
  3. I am applying for membership on my own behalf.
  4. I am over the age of 14.
  5. I will uphold the constitution and by-laws of the party.
  6. I support the six principles of the party:
    • Living within our ecological means
    • Local self reliance
    • Participatory democracy
    • Self-determination and citizenship
    • Social justice and equal
    • Non-violence