Rachel Boudreau will represent the Green Party in the Restigouche-Chaleur by-election
Petit-Rocher - The Green Party of New Brunswick is pleased to announce that Rachel Boudreau will be their candidate for the Restigouche-Chaleur riding in the upcoming by-election.
"I am delighted to welcome Rachel as a candidate," said David Coon, Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick. “She comes to us with more than a decade of municipal experience, in-depth knowledge of the medical system and proven leadership. Her involvement in her community through multiple committees has earned her the reputation of someone who thinks big and who is not afraid to roll up her sleeves to make things happen.”
Boudreau served three terms as municipal councillor in the village of Petit-Rocher as well as one term as mayor from June 2021 until the merger of the municipalities that led to the creation of the city of Belle-Baie. A registered nurse and seasoned entrepreneur, Rachel also holds a Master of Business administration. She owned a nursing home and currently runs a travel agency in addition to working as a full-time nurse for a pharmaceutical company. With her energy and her innate sense of organization, she has repeatedly demonstrated her ability to handle several files simultaneously.
“The basic principles of the Green Party, such as social justice, local autonomy, and a democracy closer to the people, resonate with me enormously. I want to help develop important issues for Restigouche-Chaleur, such as recreational tourism in winter as well as in summer, public transportation, and affordable housing,” said Boudreau. “Another important short-term goal for me is to develop cooperation with neighboring ridings to form a united front for the north of the province in Fredericton.”
Green Party Leader David Coon, along with MLAs Megan Mitton (Memramcook-Tantramar) and Kevin Arseneau (Kent North), attended the official announcement following the nomination meeting on Tuesday at the Salle multi-fonctionnelle Denis-Richard, during which Ms. Boudreau was elected by acclamation.
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More Information:
Rachel Boudreau
Claire Kelly-Orozco