Premier Must Act to Save Deteriorating New Brunswick Rail, Says Green Party Leader

July 9, 2024


The Premier must step up to address the lack of maintenance on the 278 km stretch of rail owned by CN Rail that runs from northern to southern New Brunswick, says David Coon, Green Party leader and MLA for Fredericton South. 

"Safety considerations have forced passenger trains to creep along the tracks as CN has allowed the route to deteriorate, creating an unattractive travel time. On the north shore, coastal erosion is creating further safety concerns as the rails are now only 10 feet away from the steep banks along the Baie des Chaleur in places like Nash Creek," said Coon.

Coon has called on the Premier to meet with the CEO of VIA Rail and the federal government to work out an agreement to purchase the stretch of rail that provides passenger service between  northern and southern New Brunswick so that it will be properly maintained for public transportation.

"The rail line that links northern and southern New Brunswick is essential public transportation infrastructure for New Brunswickers and will become even more important as we seek alternatives to driving to cut fossil fuel use as the climate crisis deepens," said Coon. “Clearly CN Rail is not interested in maintaining it for rapid rail service so New Brunswick needs to take the lead to ensure this happens."