Platform Launched
It’s About the Next Generation
Green Party leader Jack MacDougall presented his slate of candidates and released his Party’s election platform at a news conference in Fredericton today.
“In our very first campaign we have exceeded all expectations with our slate of 51 candidates, of which 24 are women,” said MacDougall. “Our candidates are Francophone, Anglophone and First Nation – we have students and seniors, policy experts and farmers, small business owners and municipal councilors, educators and public servants – united by a common commitment to help transform New Brunswick into a truly just and sustainable society
The Green Party’s 32 page platform lays out its vision for the future of New Brunswick, organized into seven themes. These are:
- Real Democracy
- People and Families First
- Self-Reliant Communities
- Building a Culture of Sustainability
- A Green Economy
- Energy Self-Reliance
- Living Within Our Financial Means
“Our platform is not a collection of promises designed to buy votes or curry favour with particular groups. It reflects a set of values which underpin a truly just and sustainable society, and it provides the roadmap to get there,” said MacDougall. “The decisions we make today shape the future of our children and grandchildren. That’s the message behind our slogan, “It’s About the Next Generation.”
Green Party President and candidate for Charlotte-Campobello, Janice Harvey, said a Green government would invest in people and their communities. She said that when people are empowered and have access to resources, they will build our future.
“Short term expediency – such as the election promises of the other parties – just short-changes the future. We cannot afford to continue to squander our future for political self-interest,” said Janice Harvey, Green Party President and candidate for Charlotte-Campobello.
“We can keep hoping for different results by voting the same old way on September 27, but if New Brunswickers want a more just and sustainable New Brunswick, we need to change the way we vote. I’m asking New Brunswickers to make history on September 27 and send Green MLAs to the Legislature,” said Green Party Leader Jack MacDougall.
This is the New Brunswick Green Party’s first election. It was founded in November 2008.
The Green Party election platform is available at and
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