November 2020 Newsletter
Your local NB Green Party association NEEDS YOU!
Do you know the other NB Green Party members in your riding? Together you represent the NB Green Party in your community through your local Registered District Association (RDA). With your knowledge of local issues you are the best people for community members to speak with about the NB Green Party.
Having an active RDA in each of the 49 electoral districts across New Brunswick ensures the party reflects the full diversity of communities and cultures throughout the province. A strong local RDA means supporters have local people to answer their questions. Organizing local events, info sessions and activities encourages everyone to become stronger Green Party supporters and helps to identify and prepare the best candidates for the next provincial election.
Some of the activities and functions the RDA can undertake include:
- Host regular meetings to discuss RDA business (finances, membership, recruitment, etc.)
- Plan inclusive riding activities and info sessions about current issues and desires
- Develop and maintain an online information site where people can learn more about the RDA and the Green Party
- Fundraising activities to support the RDA and prepare for the next election campaign
- Participate in policy development
- Work with members in other RDAs to build a strong province-wide network sharing ideas, events, activities, etc.
- Participate in local and regional events and gatherings to share information about your RDA and the NB Green Party
- Create new ideas and opportunities to meet the needs of community members
Building a strong grassroots RDA can be fun and exciting. The Green Party of New Brunswick depends on the RDAs for their knowledge about local and regional issues and desires. Our party is only as strong as our RDAs!
Please contact your RDA or the NB Green Party office ([email protected]) to learn more about the RDA in your riding.
A wake-up call on nursing homes
Green Party leader David Coon and Green caucus members Megan Mitton and Kevin Arseneau are calling a recent investigation into the long-term care sector a “wake-up call” for political leaders in New Brunswick.
The report, The Forgotten Generation: An Urgent Call for Reform in New Brunswick’s Long-Term Care Sector, was released in October after a two-year investigation by the New Brunswick Nurses Union (NBNU).
Among many other disturbing findings, the NBNU investigation found that 73% of nurses surveyed indicated resident care has declined in their nursing home over the last five years.
“The Nurses Union investigation has torn off the veil on what amounts to systemic neglect of seniors in care by successive governments,” said MLA David Coon (Fredericton South). “Government after government has failed to provide even the bare minimum funding necessary for nursing homes to comply with provincial standards of care, inadequate as they are.”
MLAs Kevin Arseneau (Kent North) and Megan Mitton (Memramcook-Tantramar) both have nursing homes in their ridings and are concerned by the findings of the investigation.
“Front line workers want to offer humane and dignified care, but they need the resources to do so,” said Arseneau. “We owe it to the generation of builders and architects of our society to offer them a living environment focused on quality of life.”
“The government needs to properly fund nursing homes so they can increase the daily hours of care provided to residents,” said Mitton. “This would ensure that workers have the resources necessary to provide residents with the care they need and deserve.
While noting that all 38 recommendations in the NBNU report are important, David Coon has singled out six recommendations he is calling on the Higgs government to implement immediately. For more information, read the full media release:
Green Party leader says NB Nurses Union report on nursing homes is a wake-up call
More news from Green MLAs
Green Party leader David Coon continues as a member of the COVID Cabinet Committee, alongside the other opposition party leaders, the Premier, and the Ministers for Health, Education, and Public Safety. David continues to make important contributions and have a positive influence on the Committee's work. The Committee’s recommendations go to the full cabinet, and then are implemented.
All Green MLAs continue to make public statements on issues of concern in the province. Click on the headline below to read the statements issued recently.
Green Party Leader Wants Government Commitments on Mental Health Care
Green Party Leader Calls on Premier to Open Negotiations on Wolastoqey Land Rights
Green Party Leader calls on Higgs government to provide more supports for people with disabilities
Green MLAs will be back working in the Legislative Assembly when it resumes sitting on November 17. Until then our MLAs will be finalizing their legislative agenda for the fall, while continuing their constituency work.
COVID-19 information
For the most up-to-date and accurate information, consult the Government of Canada and Government of New Brunswick's COVID-19 pages.
Stay safe. Stay strong.
Green Party of New Brunswick
403 Regent Street, Suite 102,
Fredericton, NB, E3B 3X6
Office: (506) 447-8499
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