
  • End Poverty Now

    Posted by · December 20, 2012 12:00 PM

    20 DECEMBER 2012

    The growing number of families who must avail themselves of food banks and charity this time of year to have a dignified Christmas is a sign that governments have abandoned their role of ensuring that everyone can live a dignified life year round, according to the Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick.  The Greens want the Alward government to stop downloading its responsibilities for the poor onto churches, voluntary organizations and philanthropists.

    "Living in poverty is like being punished for a crime you didn't commitas the English writer Eli Khamarov famously wrote," said Green Party Leader David Coon. "It is time to stop punishing those living in poverty and put enough money into their hands to pay for housing, heat, power and groceries," said Coon. "I can't think of a better way to stimulate the economy."

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  • Statement by economists on NBs finances published in the Telegraph Journal

    Posted by · December 14, 2012 12:00 PM

    14 DECEMBER 2012

    In a commentary published today in the Telegraph Journal, the heads of the Economics Departments from every university in New Brunswick, along with their colleagues, wrote that the best place to begin addressing the provincial deficits to restore the 2008 income tax rates. This reinforces the call the Green Party made on November 2nd for Finance Minister Blaine Higgs to restore the 2008 income tax rates, and a similar proposal made by the New Brunswick Common Front for Social Justice.

    Minister of Finance Blaine Higgs’ recent announcement that the provincial fiscal deficit will be about $356 million – twice as high as anticipated in his budget – sparked considerable comment. However, the effects of the reductions in personal income tax rates that were phased in between 2009 and 2011 have been largely ignored, although they put a large hole in the province’s finances.




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  • Green Party Wants Hearings on New Brunswick's Economic Future

    Posted by · December 12, 2012 12:00 PM

    12 DECEMBER 2012

    Green Party Leader David Coon has written Premier David Alward to request that he establish a Select Committee to hold hearings across the province to hear from New Brunswickers how the emerging new economy can be encouraged. And the Green Party Leader is suggesting the leaders of parties not yet holding seats in the Legislature be invited to participate as"ex-officio" members so they might ask questions of witnesses and provide input into the committee report.

     "Ensuring sustainable livelihoods for New Brunswickers requires a new approach because our economy has fundamentally changed," said Green Party Leader David Coon. "There is a new economy growing within the shell of the old one.   It is primarily local and it is one where individuals are increasingly creating their own enterprises. To a very great extent, these initiatives are green. We need to learn how to best support those people who are already engaged in building the new economy, and encourage others to do the same," said Coon

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  • Green Party Leader to Seek Nomination to Run in Fredericton-Silverwood

    Posted by · December 11, 2012 12:00 PM

    11 DECEMBER 2012

    Green Party Leader David Coon has announced that he will seek his party's nomination to run in the riding of Fredericton-Silverwood in the next general election.

    "Our family has decided to move back to Fredericton after living for a number of years in rural New Brunswick. We will be returning to the City's west side where we had previously lived, which puts us squarely in the riding of Fredericton-Silverwood" said Green Party Leader David Coon. "It would be an honour to represent the people of Fredericton-Silverwood in the Legislative Assembly, and if nominated, I will work diligently to earn their support," said Coon.

    It will be up to the Green Party’s Fredericton-Silverwood Riding District Association to set the date for a nomination meeting. “I hope it can happen early in the new year, but that decision rests with the RDA,” Coon added.

    Coon's wife Janice Harvey is a lecturer at St. Thomas University and PhD candidate at UNB.   They have two teenage daughters.

  • Leaders' Courtesies are the First Step to Democratic Reform

    Posted by · December 06, 2012 12:00 PM

    06 DECEMBER 2012

    Green Party Leader David Coon, and the leaders of the other three parties yet to win a seat in the Legislative Assembly have been extended courtesies by the Legislative Administrative Committee sought by Mr. Coon.

    An area of the public gallery has been set aside as designated seating for the four leaders. They will all be permitted to use their mobile devices and will be issued security passes to the Legislative Assembly. These are the same courtesies extended to Executive Assistants working for cabinet ministers.

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  • Green Party Releases Strategy for Community-Based Health Care Reform

    Posted by · November 22, 2012 12:00 PM

    22 NOVEMBER 2012

    Today at a news conference in Fredericton, Green Party leader David Coon and the party's health advocate, Jim Wolstenholme released their recommendations for reforming health care in New Brunswick.

    The Green Party wants to see most New Brunswickers served by community-based collaborative care teams, working with their family doctors, within five years. The Greens are calling on the newly appointed Minister of Health Hugh John Flemming to make this objective his number one priority and treat it with the urgency it deserves.

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  • Green Party Wants Publicly Run Climate Change Insurance Program

    Posted by · November 16, 2012 12:00 PM

    16 NOVEMBER 2012

    Green Party Leader David Coon is calling on Premier David Alward to establish public disaster insurance to cover the costs of damage from climate change. "As climate change creates increasingly more severe weather in New Brunswick, private insurance companies will decline to cover the resulting damages. It is imperative that government establish insurance coverage for those living in areas of the province at greatest risk of damage from climate change," said David Coon, the Green Party leader.

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  • There Is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

    Posted by · November 03, 2012 12:00 PM

    David Coon, the Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick, is calling on Finance Minister Blaine Higgs to return to taxation levels of 2008 to fight New Brunswick's deficit. "We have a revenue problem, not a spending problem, so he needs to restore the revenue we lost when the Liberals recklessly cut taxes in their 2009 budget," said Green Party Leader David Coon.

    The provincial government's financial update released on Thursday projects the deficit to be $173 million larger than originally forecast. In response Finance Minister Blaine Higgs has said he will cut spending even further.


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  • Natural Gas Going for Free While Schools Face Budget Cuts

    Posted by · October 22, 2012 12:00 PM

    22 OCTOBER 2012

    As Education Minister Jody Carr hints at reneging on this year's school budgets, Green Party Leader David Coon has learned that New Brunswick earned absolutely nothing from the conventional natural gas Corridor Resources pumped out of New Brunswick in the second quarter of this year. (

    "We haven't got a spending problem in our schools, we have a revenue problem from our natural resources" said David Coon, Leader of the New Brunswick Green Party. "It is irresponsible to be giving them away. These are non-renewable resources," said Coon.

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  • International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

    Posted by · October 17, 2012 12:00 PM

    17 OCTOBER 2012

    The Green Party of New Brunswick is observing the United Nations’ International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17th. “The theme of the 2012 observance is ‘Ending the Violence of Extreme Poverty’. It serves as a reminder that poverty kills more children and adults that any war. “The New Brunswick Green Party, together with its federal counterpart is the only party advocating making poverty history through a Guaranteed Livable Income,” said New Brunswick Green Leader, David Coon.

    October 17th is an opportunity to focus the attention of all New Brunswickers on poverty in our province. The Green Party congratulates the initiative of the Common Front for Social Justice to hold its 4th Poverty Summit in Bathurst today and in Moncton on Saturday. They are on the frontline of the fight against poverty.

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