Matthew Clark
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About Matthew Clark
Matthew is a forty-one-year-old husband, and father to three young children. Growing up in Rothesay, New Brunswick, he was an active member of youth and volunteer groups in the community. Matthew attended University in Fredericton at UNB where, in 2007, he completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in French Linguistics. Matthew was married in 2008 and continued to live and work in Fredericton until just before his daughter was born in the fall of 2011 when they moved to Moncton to be closer to his wife’s family. In 2013, Matthew decided to return to school to pursue new challenges and earned an Accounting Technician Certificate from NBCC Moncton.
Matthew has been involved with the Green Party both federally and later provincially since 2008. He has enjoyed contributing as a volunteer for the past five federal and four provincial election campaigns. Matthew has been an active member of the Moncton Gentlemen of Harmony, a barbershop men’s chorus since 2016. He also belongs to a local community theatre group.
Matthew is running as a candidate in this year’s election in the hopes of bringing real, positive change to politics in New Brunswick. People both want and need to see more accountability in government and their elected representatives should be able to do more for their constituents. He wants to see a better, more sustainable future for his children and believes that our province is currently on the wrong path. A future where local small businesses can thrive, and we can live happier, healthier, longer lives is worth striving for. Clean air and water, wholesome locally grown food, renewable energy, more affordable housing, and accessible green transportation can be realities if we are all willing to make the right choices that will bring about positive change.