Kevin Arseneau to seek Green Party Nomination in Restigouche-Chaleur
16 APRIL 2014
Robertville, Wednesday April 16 – Kevin Arseneau announced that he would seek the nomination for the Green Party of New Brunswick in the Restigouche-Chaleur riding, in light of the September 22nd election.
“The reason that motivates my entering politics is simple: I believe in my region and in its inhabitants. Traditional political parties have the regrettable habit of governing from the top down, making MLAs simple messengers for Fredericton. Yet, that should not be the role of an MLA. I see that role as that of a spokesperson, a defender and a community organizer for the region. I want to take part in the long term development of our region, bring back our youth, and make sure that our long term vision is one that reflects that of the people who live here. I firmly believe that the Green Party of New Brunswick espouses these values. I could not contemplate working with any other party.”
A Robertville native, Kevin Arseneau is a student at the Université de Moncton’s Education Faculty (Geography major). Naturally curious, he has worked in several fields including arts, construction, agriculture, forestry, tourism and education, before returning to school at the age of 25. His experiences provide him with a global vision with regards to the challenges facing North East New Brunswick.
Contact : Kevin Arseneau
[email protected]
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