July 2024 Newsletter
Happy Canada Day!
The last month has been packed full of exciting events as our candidates and their campaigns gear up across the province for the fall election. I launch my summer tour this week and look forward to connecting with New Brunswickers, alongside our candidates, as I travel the province. Both deputy leaders, Megan Mitton and Kevin Arseneau, will be visiting local communities far and wide.
Elizabeth May, the first elected Green in Canada and co-leader of the federal Green Party, joined us at events in Riverview, Hampton, Saint John and Fredericton last week. She inspired all those in attendance with a message of hope and determination.
The polls are finding a huge uptick in the number of undecided voters, going from 19% in March to 30% in June. Our candidates are working hard to earn their trust as they meet people at their doors and in their communities. As I go door-to-door, I can tell you the welcome is a warm one.
I know New Brunswickers are discouraged with the high cost of everything, the difficulty in accessing health care, and the inattention to making New Brunswick climate ready – to keep us safe from its consequences and to do our part to shrink our carbon footprint. The solutions are there. What we need is action, and as Greens we will act.
That’s how Megan, Kevin and I serve our constituents, and that is how we work as parliamentarians. Tenants need to be protected against unaffordable rent increases. We brought forward legislation to create a rent cap, twice. All working New Brunswickers need paid sick leave. We introduced legislation to guarantee paid sick days. With high cancer rates, and an increase in neurological conditions, we tabled legislation to give New Brunswickers a right to a healthy environment.
We cannot afford another majority government in New Brunswick where one party and one premier holds all the decision-making power. Election day is expected to be October 21st, with advance polls open for voting on October 12 and 15.
To change the way our province is governed means voting for your Green candidate, so we can better serve you. Change is on the horizon. I invite you to be a part of it.
David Coon
Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick
In This Issue:
- Welcome our new staff member, Dani McLean-Godbout
- Volunteer Spotlight - Amanda Wildeman
- Photos from our recent events
- Upcoming Events
- Provincial Council Corner
- MLAs in Action
- Join Us
Welcome Our New Staff Member
Dani McLean-Godbout
Earlier this month, we welcomed Dani McLean-Godbout [they/them/eux] to the team! They’re based in Moncton and will support our mobilization efforts in the GMA region and in the north of New Brunswick.
As a non-binary person, Dani is especially motivated to support non-binary, trans and queer people in the province. They come to us after three years working at the University of New Brunswick in several communications roles.
Dani would love to hear from you by email: [email protected].
Volunteer Spotlight
Amanda Wildeman
Amanda was instrumental in making our Fredericton fundraiser with Elizabeth May a resounding success! She’s a prime example of how you can count on Greens to get things done.
Thank you to Amanda, and of course to all the volunteers and supporters involved in making Elizabeth May’s visit to New Brunswick such a great and uplifting experience.
Photos From Our Recent Events
Campaign launch for Anthea Plummer in Fredericton North
Campaign launch for Mark Groleau in Saint Croix
Megan Mitton, Genevieve MacRae, our Interim Executive Director, and Jacques Giguère at the Société de l'Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick AGM.
Talking to voters in Fredericton with Elizabeth May, Pam Allen-LeBlanc, Anthea Plummer, and Simon Ouellette.
Saint John Green Drinks at the Moosehead Brewery with Mariah Darling for Saint John Harbour and Joanna Killen for Saint John West-Lancaster
Sarah Lord and the Riverview Green team with Elizabeth May
Laura Myers and Elizabeth May in Hampton-Fundy-St Martins
Our provincial Campaign Manager, Jo-Ann Roberts, Executive Director, Claire Kelly-Orozco, Elizabeth May, and baby Miguel.
Upcoming Events
Campaign Launch & BBQ with Pam Allen-LeBlanc - Fredericton-York
Tuesday, July 16 5-8:30pm
Fredericton Pride Parade
Sunday, July 21 3:00pm
Contact [email protected] for details
Saint John Pride Parade
August 17
Contact [email protected] for details.
Moncton Pride Parade
August 31
Contact [email protected] for details
Provincial Council Corner
Serving a term on the Green Party of New Brunswick’s Provincial Council is one of the best ways to get involved and shape our Party.
We are currently calling for nominations for 2 available positions listed below. Applicants must be members of the Green Party of New Brunswick who live within the regions listed.
Regional Councilor - Fredericton-Miramichi Valley-Carleton (2 year term)
Regional Councilor - South East (2 year term)
If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Ryan Spencer at [email protected]
MLAs in Action
What does it look like to have a Green MLA represent your riding? Check our what our three MLAs, Megan Mitton, Kevin Arseneau, and David Coon, have been working on at the Green Caucus Vert website.
Join the Green Roots Growth Club
The Green Party of New Brunswick is growing, and we need your support.
Join the Green Roots Growth Club today by becoming a monthly contributor of $20 or more. Together, let’s invest in a brighter, Greener future for New Brunswick.