
Jada Roche


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About Jada Roche

Jada Roche, 46, is a process manager for Day and Ross. She loves finding efficiencies for her company, making an impact and seeing results. She and her partner live in Lakeville with two children, 2 dogs, 4 cats and too many chickens. Her daughter is studying biology at UNB and her son is moving to Ontario where there are provisions for young people who are transitioning.


Jada first became interested in the Green Party in her twenties as her sympathy for labour activism shifted to include environmental concerns and the climate crisis. She moved from Prescott, Ontario to Moncton in 2001, and to Carleton County ten years later. Her support for the Greens solidified when David Coon became party leader. She found his commitment to the province and the Green principles of inclusion and fairness motivating and encouraging.


When asked about structuring her campaign, Jada refers to her love of New Brunswick history.

“A place that doesn’t know where it’s been won’t know where it’s going. History, in many places in NB, might be ‘grandma’s house’ but we have to value it as the rich history we have and celebrate it.” Jada wants her campaign to focus on infrastructure: education, healthcare and transportation, or as she says it: “I want a doctor again. I want to send my kids to excellent schools. I want to be able to drive down a road without needing to replace my suspension every three years. I want to help make New Brunswick a place where everybody feels accepted and welcomed, and feels the deep abiding love for this place as I do."