Green Party of NB calls for an investigation into the treatment of First Nations people by the justice system and the police
The Green Party of New Brunswick's Annual Meeting this past weekend expressed concern about the treatment of First Nations people by the police and the justice system. In the wake of the killing of Chantel Moore and the death of Brady Francis, Green Party members join the Chiefs of the Wolastoquey First Nation in calling for a public inquiry into the treatment of indigenous people by the justice system.
"The Annual General Assembly of Members passed this emergency motion because we cannot remain silent in the face of the tragic death of another indigenous woman just days before the anniversary of the release of the report of the National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. That inquiry found that First Nations people, in their interaction with the justice system and police are viewed through the prism of pervasive racism and indifference," said Green Party Leader David Coon.
The report also called, as have many reports before it, for reform of the justice system and mechanisms for monitoring and oversight of police investigations of cases involving indigenous people.
"The outcome of the judicial process in the case of Brady Francis' death has been deeply shocking to the Mi'kmaq community who feel that justice has not been served. The family of Chantel Moore deserves real answers to their questions about how it is possible that Chantel died at the hands of a police officer. We must take action to change our institutions and practices. A public inquiry will help identify and correct the flaws," according to Mr. Coon.
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