Higgs budget fails to deliver the transformative action that NB needs
On Friday morning, I delivered my official response to the budget.
The Higgs government presented a budget of small measures when we need bold ideas and policies that launch us down the road to transformative change in health care, in energy production and use, in transportation, and in housing.
What we have learned over the past two years navigating the uncharted waters of the COVID-19 pandemic – is that we can successfully confront a crisis.
The lesson here is that it takes political will.
Greens are the only ones who have consistently demonstrated the political will to make a budget that serves the common good; both in the way services are delivered and in the way that revenues are generated.
I hope you will take the time this weekend to have a listen to my full response. If you agree with me, then please, write me back to let me know, tell your friends and neighbours, and consider making a donation to the party so that after the next elections Greens can have the opportunity to deliver the transformative budget that New Brunswick so desperately needs.
David Coon
Leader, New Brunswick Green Party
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