Greens Plan to End Deep Poverty in New Brunswick

September 23, 2024

FREDERICTON - Today David Coon announced that a Green government will implement a guaranteed livable income to end deep poverty in New Brunswick by the end of a 4 year mandate, in partnership with the federal government.

“Successive Liberal and Conservative governments have failed to take serious action to tackle poverty in New Brunswick,” said Coon. “The social assistance system keeps people trapped in poverty, holding them back and keeping our province from reaching its potential. It’s time to try something new. A Green government would launch a guaranteed livable income program within four years.”


A report written by UNB economist Herb Emery for the PEI government in 2023 concluded that a guaranteed basic income could cut poverty on the Island by 80%.


In the interim, Coon committed to immediately raising social assistance rates by 20% to help people make ends meet until the guaranteed livable income is in place.  


“While a guaranteed livable income is the way to end deep poverty in New Brunswick, it will take a few years to properly design and secure the necessary federal support,” added Coon. “This will ensure people have more support now.”


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