Green Party Leader Wants Free Vote on Shale Gas
24 OCTOBER 2013
New Brunswick's Green Party Leader David Coon wants a free vote on suspending shale gas licenses when the Legislative Assembly resumes sitting in two weeks.
"I want to see the representatives of the people in this province consult their constituents, search their consciences, and freely vote on suspending the licenses government has issued for shale gas exploration," said Coon. "It is vital that each Member of the Legislative Assembly stand and be counted on this issue, unscripted by their Party and bearing no obligation to vote with their Party," said Coon.
The New Brunswick Legislature resumes sitting on Tuesday November 5th with a Speech from the Throne.
The Green Party leader says a vital role for all MLAs in the parliamentary system is to examine and challenge the work of the government. This has not been their practice as MLAs are tightly scripted by their parties and automatically vote with their Leader, whatever the merits of the question before them. It is a practice the Green Party vows to change.
"Premier Alward and his cabinet colleagues have lost the confidence of large numbers of New Brunswickers over their decision to press ahead with the exploration and exploitation of shale gas. It is time for all members of the Legislative Assembly to stand up and be counted on this issue, without fear of retribution from their party leaders," said Coon.
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