Green Party Leader Headed North on New Economy Tour
26 JUNE 2013
Green Party leader David Coon is taking his New Economy Tour to northern New Brunswick via Kent County this week. His first stop will be to show his support for the people of Elsipogtog and Kent County who are have been working to stop shale gas exploitation in their communities.
The tour will include visits to Lamèque, Caraquet, Bathurst, and Tracadie-Sheila. While in Tracadie-Sheila, Coon will take on Liberal Leader Brian Gallant at a charity softball game Saturday afternoon organized by L'Acadie Nouvelle to benefit l'Arbre de l'espoir.
"I look forward to getting to Kent County, and then visiting the Acadian peninsula and the Bathurst area," said Green Party leader David Coon. There will be an informal meet and greet with the leader at Joey's Pub in Bathurst at 7:00 pm on Thursday night.
"The potential for renewable energy development in the north-east is immense," said Coon. "The region is already producing significant amounts of wind power, Tracadie-Sheila and Bathurst have been identified as ideal sites to produce electricity and heat from biomass, and of course New Brunswick's first net-zero energy home was built in Bathurst. I want to see a priority placed on helping northern New Brunswick become self-reliant for heat and power by investing in the development of energy efficiency and local renewable energy resources," said Coon.
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