Green Party commits to 100% renewable energy by 2035
Green Party Leader David Coon announced this afternoon that a Green government would mandate NB Power to use 100% renewable sources energy by 2035.
"With vastly improved energy efficiency, on-shore and off-shore wind, solar farms, storage technologies, and long-term purchases of hydropower from Quebec and Labrador, we can become 100% renewable in 15 years, and avoid generating power with plutonium or fossil fuels,” said Coon.
Coon committed to providing zero-interest loans for solar panels and energy efficiency measures such as new insulation and windows. He also committed to amending the Electricity Act to break down the barriers for municipalities, First Nations or housing developers looking to buy or produce renewable energy for their own use.
“Mr. Higgs and Mr. Vickers are clinging to their 20th century ideas about energy as the climate crisis intensifies,” said Coon. “But, the path is clear. The future must be renewable to be Green, and with decades of experience in energy policy, I know how to get us there.
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