Fredericton South Riding Meeting

Fredericton South Registered District Association (RDA)
Monthly Meeting
November 10, 2015 - 7:30PM at the NB Green Party office (403 Regent Street, Suite 102)

On the agenda for the meeting are plans for a Green Party event on November 29 – screening of the film, This Changes Everything, based on Naomi Klein’s book by the same name.

The local riding association provides a vehicle for Green Party members and supporters to build awareness of and support for the Green vision for a sustainable province in our community. This activity between elections will translate into gains in elections. While the federal election was disappointing in that no new Greens were elected to Parliament, the total Green vote in New Brunswick went up, along with the Liberals, over the 2011 election results. While the Conservatives and NDP vote went down provincially, the Green vote increased by a whopping 40%, from just over 12,000 votes to over 20,000! This is certainly something to celebrate and to build on. In the Fredericton, the results were more impressive. The Greens went from 4.00% of the votes to 12.37%, more than tripling the share of the votes.

So come on out on November 10 and get involved. Change will happen if we work towards it together!