A fairer voting system for New Brunswick.
Despite repeated calls from citizens and expert commissions for a fairer voting system in New Brunswick, successive Liberal and Conservative governments have refused to even consider a change. The Liberals and Conservatives both know that this change would threaten their ability to form majority governments and hold absolute power.
In the words of Kevin Arseneau after both parties united to defeat a Green Party motion on electoral reform in 2022, “The first-past-the-post system doesn’t work for New Brunswickers, but it works for the Liberals and Conservatives and they’ll always look out for their interests first.”
More recently you may have seen how many Liberal MLAs stood up against consulting New Brunswickers on creating a fairer and more democratic voting system. How undemocratic! Between this and Justin Trudeau breaking his promise on electoral reform, the Liberals cannot be trusted to deliver on electoral reform.
The Liberals and Conservatives have shown that their only interest is to maintain the status quo. The only way we can achieve our goal is to elect more Green MLAs to the Legislative Assembly, By signing this petition, you are joining us in our call for creating a fairer New Brunswick.