Sign for a Guaranteed Livable Income

A Green government will end deep poverty by phasing in a Guaranteed Livable Income to replace the failed system of social assistance. Nobody in New Brunswick should have to live in deep poverty, having to make choices between food and rent.

Despite the Higgs government’s social assistance reform, social assistance recipients in New Brunswick are still living well below the poverty line and in deep poverty. Assistance rates for an unattached single in New Brunswick are $670 per month, compared to $1405 per month in Prince Edward Island.

A recent report on the proposal of a guaranteed livable income program for PEI shows significant benefits: 65% fewer children in poverty, 90% of people living alone escaping poverty, and poverty among people with disabilities virtually eliminated.

In the words of David Coon: “While Premier Higgs takes great pride in running billion dollar surpluses to pay down the debt, he is dangerously failing the worst-off in our society.”

If you agree with David, sign this petition and join us in our call for a fairer New Brunswick where everyone can live with dignity.

220 signatures

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