August 2024 Newsletter

We are hearing it all over the province: the Higgs government isn’t listening to New Brunswickers. It’s time we demanded better from our elected representatives. It’s time for change.

Green MLAs, David Coon, Megan Mitton, and Kevin Arseneau, have been raising the bar for what kind of leadership we should expect from our elected officials. Their work in the legislature is informed by what they hear from constituents in their communities. 

Renters demanded a rent cap, and so David, Megan, and Kevin pushed for it in the Legislature and continue to do so. People demanded better access to local healthcare, so Greens held public consultations, heard from healthcare workers, and championed their made-in-New Brunswick solutions. When the Higgs government decided to make unnecessary changes to Policy 713, students and teachers spoke out, and our Green MLAs listened, and spoke up.

During the COVD pandemic, we all saw how parties worked together in a minority government for the good of all New Brunswickers. Since Higgs won a majority government, however, he has stopped listening to those who disagree with him - even those within his own party.

This election, we have the opportunity to elect a government in which Greens hold the balance of power. A minority government is better for democracy because it brings different voices and ideas to the decision-making process. In short, a minority government listens to people. Both the Liberals and Conservatives will tell you they need absolute power, majority government, don’t believe them, history proves it’s just not true. Greens have spent a lifetime making New Brunswick better, our record proves it. 

You can help us elect more Green MLAs by donating to our incredible candidates, or volunteering on their campaigns. 

This election is about change, and Green is the Colour of Change!


Jo-Ann Roberts

Campaign Manager


In This Issue:

  • David Coon - A Lifetime of Leadership
  • Staff Appreciation Spotlight: Mariana Mora
  • Welcome our new Admin: Maria Ortiz
  • The Case for a Minority Government
  • Upcoming Events
  • Provincial Council Corner
  • MLAs in Action


David Coon - A Lifetime of Leadership

From helping on his grandparent's farm to environmental advocacy to a decade leading the Green Party and serving Fredericton South, David Coon has been about one thing: making our communities stronger.

Watch our new video below:


Staff Appreciation Spotlight

Mariana Mora

Mariana has been a constant source of joy to our team over the last several months. Her hard work, long hours, and always-positive attitude has been such a wonderful asset. Many of you have had the privilege of speaking with her on the phone, or meeting her at our office where she greets everyone with her infectious smile. 

After accepting a new position to further her career, we are sad to say that Mariana has had to resign as our Admin Assistant. At the same time, we are so happy for her and know she will excel and light up the room wherever she goes. 

Thank you, Mariana, for all of your hard work, dedication, joy, and smiles : )


Welcome Our New Admin Assistant

Maria Ortiz

Join us as we give a warm welcome to our new Admin Assistant, Maria Ortiz. Originally from Ecuador, Maria moved to Canada in 2021 and recently graduated from St. Thomas University with an Honours degree in International Relations. After just a few short weeks on the job, we are already impressed with Maria’s fantastic work ethic and dedication.

We are so excited to have Maria on our team to continue where Mariana left off.

Drop by our office or give Maria a call at 506-447-8499 to say hello.


The Case for a Minority Government

Jean Bourgeois, Green candidate for Shediac-Cap-Acadie, has been attending community meetings and talking to voters. Again and again, they say that they are not being listened to by the politicians elected to represent them. In Jean’s article, published by Acadie Nouvelle, he argues that a minority government could fix this problem.

In the province of New Brunswick we’re stuck in a pattern where once our politicians are elected, they’re only accountable to their constituents at the next election. At no time between elections are they obliged to consult them along the way. Can any government consider itself attentive to the needs of the population when it doesn’t even take the time to debate and elaborate on its legislative projects with the other political parties?

If our politicians - once elected - swear loyalty to their party and leader over their constituents, such a government with a majority in the Legislative Assembly will have the power of discretion on everything. We need a government which collaborates with other parties and the constituents they represent.

A minority government would require collaboration and consultation in the development of proposed bills for the common good of all. Such a government would obligate political party leaders to co-operate by means of consultation to reach a consensus. 

New Brunswickers desperately needs a minority government that listens to its constituents - especially those who may not be represented by the governing party.


Read Jean Bourgeois’ full article here:


Upcoming Events

Friday, August 2

  • David Coon will be at the Hampton Farmer's Market with Green candidate Laura Myers

Saturday, August 3

Sunday, August 4

Monday, August 5 - New Brunswick Day and Emancipation Day

Sunday, August 11

Monday, August 12

Tuesday, August 13

Thursday, August 15 - Quinzou

  • David Coon will celebrate Quinzou in Tracadie, Megan Mitton will be in Memramcook, and Kevin Arseneau will be in Beaurivage 
  • Queer Talent Show in Saint John, 8:30-10:30pm BMO Theatre, 112 Princess St with Green candidates Mariah Darling and Zara MacKay-Boyce

Saturday, August 17 - SJ Pride

Saturday, August 24

  • David Coon will attend the Moonlight Bazaar in Saint John with local candidates.

Tuesday, August 27

Saturday, August 31

  • March with David Coon, Megan Mitton and the Green Party of New Brunswick in the Moncton Pride parade! Please contact [email protected] if you would like to walk with us.


Provincial Council Corner

Serving a term on the Green Party of New Brunswick’s Provincial Council is one of the best ways to get involved and shape our Party.

We are currently calling for nominations for 2 available positions listed below. Applicants must be members of the Green Party of New Brunswick who live within the regions listed. 

Regional Councilor - Fredericton-Miramichi Valley-Carleton (2 year term)

Regional Councilor - South East (2 year term)

If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Ryan Spencer at [email protected]


MLAs in Action

What does it look like to have a Green MLA represent your riding? Check our what our three MLAs, Megan Mitton, Kevin Arseneau, and David Coon, have been working on at the Green Caucus Vert website.


Join the Green Roots Growth Club

The Green Party of New Brunswick is growing, and we need your support. 

Join the Green Roots Growth Club today by becoming a monthly contributor of $20 or more. Together, let’s invest in a brighter, Greener future for New Brunswick.