
Andrew Conradi


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About Andrew Conradi

Andrew Conradi is a passionate advocate for environmental sustainability and local community empowerment.

Born and having grown up in the Niagara Region, Andrew studied Economics at Brock University, and English at the University of Toronto, before a change of heart led him to spend the first part of his career in the Ontario wine industry. Andrew’s family relocated to Saint John in 2016, and he followed in 2020 - ultimately putting down new roots in Smithtown, where he lives today.

Andrew believes that now, more than ever, we must act together to build our community (and form a government) that will act to advance the collective interests we all share – not only those of the wealthy or the powerful  –  and take seriously the very real challenges we must face together.

Across issues ranging from economic inequality, housing, health care, and the environment, New Brunswickers simply deserve better than the status quo: support the NB Greens to help bring about a brighter, greener, future.