Andrew Clark Chosen as Green Party's Candidate in Carleton
17 APRIL 2014
Andrew Clark was selected as the Green Party's candidate for Carleton at a nomination meeting held in Woodstock on April 15. Mr. Clark is a well-known forestry contractor and woodlot owner in the area. He served as President of the New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners for 11 years. He also served as a President and Director of the Carleton-Victoria Wood Producer's Association.
Mr. Clark was born in Woodstock and raised on a farm in Simonds, outside Hartland. He is a graduate of the Maritime Forest Ranger School and has spent most of his career harvesting and trucking wood from private woodlots.
He lives in Simonds with his wife Linda. They have 3 sons and a daughter, and 11 grandchildren. He has served on the District Education Council and is active in his church.
"Andrew has served his community with distinction and has been a champion for rural New Brunswick through his work on behalf of the woodlot owners of this province ," said Green Party leader David Coon. "He brings a healthy dose of good sense to every challenge he has met and I am looking forward to working with him as our candidate in Carleton," said Coon.
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