Green Party Leader Asks New Brunswickers to Imagine Change

21 AUGUST 2014

(Fredericton) Green Leader David Coon kicked off his party's campaign today in front of a large crowd of supporters and surrounded by candidates from all over the province.

Coon told the audience that imagination, ingenuity and inspiration are needed to overcome the challenges we face in New Brunswick.  He said that New Brunswickers have a clear choice between voting for failed politics and failed policies or voting for a new politics and a new greener economy, which puts people first.  

















"Imagine a New Brunswick where our energy comes from renewable sources, produced in our own communities, contributing wealth to our local economies," said Coon. "Imagine a New Brunswick where we buy and eat local produce, putting our food dollars back into circulation here and into the wallets of our local growers.  Imagine a New Brunswick where our rivers, forests and communities are fully protected, instead of being offered up to industry as sacrifice zones," said the Green Party leader.

"Imagine a day when there are no back room deals with industry, and when governments actually sit down and listen to the people. Imagine the day when we see our sons and daughters off to new jobs in our green economy. That's the New Brunswick I see, and it's the kind of New Brunswick I want to build with the people of our beautiful province."

Coon said he takes inspiration from the initiative and ingenuity of all the New Brunswickers who are working so hard to better their communities.  "Together we are the change New Brunswick so badly needs," said Coon.  

"We have a fresh slate of Green Party candidates that are ready and eager work with their constituents to put New Brunswick on the course to a more sustainable future."

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Contact:  David Coon - 461-1023